Call for Submissions & Editing Volunteer in Vernacular Languages for law students by NUJS’ JILS Blog: Submit by Feb 16

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About the Blog

The Journal of Indian Law and Society (JILS), a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal [ISSN: 2277-5552] of interdisciplinary studies on law and society in India, run by the students of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences.

Overview of the Opportunity

This 21st of February 2021, shall mark the 22nd year of observing the International Mother Language Day, which aims to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

To celebrate the same, JILS Blog is bringing back its Vernacular Initiative after a successful run last year. The initiative aims to publish a series of Legal Blogs in various vernacular languages used worldwide, starting from the 21st of February, 2021.

For long, legal education in this country has been limited in its scope and reach to the English language and the English-speaking populace. This serves as an impediment to the broader objective of making legal knowledge and education more inclusive and accessible. As a small step in redressing the exclusivity in the legal sphere, the JILS blog team 2020 started a one of a kind initiative last year, and we shall be continuing the same this year.

The Opportunity

  • JILS Blog invites contributions for legal blogs in all vernacular languages that one feels they are proficient at writing in.
  • Additionally, those interested in volunteering for editing work in any specific vernacular language to send in an application with their:
    • Name,
    • Interesting language(s),
    • Contact number and
    • Past work(if any) in any vernacular language.
  • Volunteering for editing work does not preclude one from making contributions under this initiative.

We have all, in various instances in our law school life, criticized or regretted the stronghold exercised by the English language on our education. These small steps act as a deterrence to such a monotonous and exclusive system.

The overwhelming response they received last year stands as a testament to the fact that many ascribe to this notion and are willing to help in revolutionizing it.

Submission Details

  • The deadline for sending in the contributions, as well as applications for editing, is 16th February 2021.
  • Applications for both editings as well as contributions under this initiative should be sent to

Contact Email

Email ID: nujsjilsblog[at]

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