Blog Writing Competition by Think India & Nirma University: Submit by August 21

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“स्वतंत्र लेख” is a blog writing competition organised by Think India, Gujarat and NSS unit of Institute of Law, Nirma University. This competition is organised on the occasion of independence day in order to give opportunities to the  authors to express their thoughts and give their views on 74 year old independent India


Topic 1: Sri Aurobindo had stressed upon the need for the creation of an educational system which would liberate the Indian mind from the shackles of the western paradigm of thought.

New Education Policy marks a departure from colonial tradition and buoys the aspirations of a new and resilient India.

Topic 2: Atma Nirbhar Bharat – Achieving Real Financial Independence through Localisation.

Topic 3: For decades, voices of Kashmiri people were silenced amid sounds of blasts and gunshots but now the whole picture is under transformation. What has changed after a year of abrogation of Article 370 and 35A.


Selected articles, as recommended by the Editorial Board, shall be published in journals and blogs of Think India.

Awards & Certificates

E-certificates of participation will be provided to all the participants who make a valid submission in line with the Submission Guideline mentioned herein.

Three best entries shall be awarded a cash prize worth Rs.800/- each along with e-Certificates of merit.

Submission Deadline: 21st August 2020

Contact Info

Yashita Bhardwaj: +91- 7611855706

For more details, click here.

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