Job Post: Assistant Law Officer @ National Commission for Women [NCW], Delhi: Apply by June 13

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Job Post: Assistant Law Officer

@ National Commission for Women [NCW], Delhi: Apply by June 13

Law job post, leegal Vacancies 2020

About the Organisation

The National Commission for Women (NCW) is the statutory body of the Government of India, generally concerned with advising the government on all policy matters affecting women.

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Job Description

National Commission for Women invites application for the post of Assistant Law Officer.

Number of Vacancies

01 (one)


Delhi, India


Deputation: Officers under the Central/State Government/UTs, Universities, Public Sector Undertaking, Semi-Government/Statutory/Autonomous Organisation

  • Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre; OR
  • With two years’ service in the grade pay in the Level – 7 (GP-4600, Pre-Revised) in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre; OR
  • With six years’ service in the grade pay in the Level -6 in the pay matrix (GP ~4200, Pre-Revised) equivalent in the parent cadre; OR
  • Possessing a Law Degree from a recognised University.
  • Experience in handling Legal services and other Legal Matters including those in the Courts or Tribunal at least for three years.

How to Apply

Application as per the proforma (may be downloaded from the website) may be sent to Under Secretary National Commission for Women, Plot No. 21, Jasola Institutional Area, New Delhi 110025.

Advance copy may be sent to the Commission by the candidates in the prescribed proforma. However, the Department is required to forward the application of those candidates who can be relieved immediately.

The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason whatsoever.


The last date for receiving application is 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News (i.e. 13th June 2020)

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