Call for Paper: NLUD-ISV Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, Volume: 2, 2019. Deadline: October 31st, 2018.

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Call for Paper: NLUD-ISV

Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice,

Volume: 2, 2019.

Deadline: October 31st, 2018.

National Law University Delhi and Indian Society of Victimology announces its 2nd Volume of Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice. NLUD-ISV Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice invites scholarly oeuvre including explorative articles, evaluative notes, books reviews, critical comments and original research findings among eminent jurists, academicians, victim service facilitators, policy makers, scholars and students in the subject field of victimology in a broad sense of discipline visualizing greater understanding of victims, victims’ rights, victimization, victim and offender relations, institutional functioning and relevant issues.

The Journal invites insights and methodological based research outputs of relevant disciplines including psychology, psychiatry, sociology, social work, economic, history as well as law, legal and political theory pertaining to interests of the victims all over the World. The conceptual based research writings to be submitted shall be peer reviewed by the editorial board members around the world.

Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through email not later than October 31st, 2018.

  • The original manuscript not submitted earlier in part of full, along with undertaking about the copyright and plagiarism free work may be submitted electronically in accordance with the formatting rules and style to The Editor at .
  • Manuscripts submitted should be in British English.
  • The length of the manuscript must be limited to 8000-10000 words (Research Articles), 5000 to 800 words (Short Articles) and 1000-3000 words (Critical Notes and Comments.
  • The manuscript in word format (A4 size sheet) must have double spacing with Times Roman Font at 12 points allowing reasonable margin. (Sample format attached). On the first page of the manuscript after the title and author’s name and affiliation, articles should include a short abstract, consisting of only one paragraph (100-150 words) as well as 3-10 keywords.
  • All headings should be flush left and should be numbered: 1 First Level Headings Are in Bold 1.1 Second Level Headings Are Bold Italic 1.1.1 Third Level Headings Are Roman

Always use single quotation marks (‘’) for relatively short direct quotations. Longer quotations should be presented as a separate block of text, indented on the left, preceded and followed by a blank line, and printed in characters of normal size; such longer quotations are not enclosed in quotation marks. Double quotation marks (“”) are reserved for single words, concepts or short phrases that are not a quotation. Quotation marks should always precede punctuation marks. Manuscripts should be prepared following the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th Edition format only; any other style will not be entertained.

Submission of Manuscript

All manuscripts must be sent in doc. format through email to along with copyright form duly signed by author(s) not later than October 31st, 2018. Submissions through any other mode is not acceptable.

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