Call For Papers: RGNUL Edited Book on Environmental Laws


RGNUL Edited Book on Environmental Laws


The Centre for Environmental Legal Studies (CELS), a research centre on Environmental Legal Studies at the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab invites professionals, faculty members, researchers and students of law to contribute research articles to be considered for publication in a proposed edited book, to be published under the aegis of the University. Any original scholarly work providing multi-disciplinary discussions on the environment and following the general theme outlined here under shall be considered for publication as part of the Book by the Editorial Board. The articles submitted would be peer- reviewed by select expert panel.


Much has remained unaccomplished since the sublime understandings of Stockholm and Rio, creating a desperate need for immediate action in ways which can not only meet present goals, but also compensate for the time lost. Technology is bound to play a great role in the achievement of this purpose, poetically atoning for its own doings, but the same must first side-step hindrances of tradition corporate ideologies and legal barriers imposing personal monopolies over intellectual properties. This requires a dynamic and motivated legal system, which is decidedly dedicated to meeting the continually emerging challenges in the path of a better world free from human indignity, impoverishment and environmental enervation.

The proposed book, through its contentious theme based topics, will attempt to build on the above needs and explore the complex and unique interplay between the environmental laws and economics, technology, intellectual property rights, commerce, human rights, and international relations, aiming to establish dialogue and forward solutions on major environmental law challenges from a national as well as an international perspective.


The Editorial Board will consider all articles with generally deal with above-indicated theme of environment law and allied fields, but with preference to writings which relate to any one or more of the following themes and sub-themes:

  1. The Right to a Clean Environment
    • The Right to a Clean Environment as an Inalienable Human Right.
    • Poverty and the Environment.
    • Polity, Types of Governments and the Effect on the Environment.
  2. Environment and Commerce
    • Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility Obligations.
    • Use of Green Patents/Technologies for Sustainable Businesses.
    • Possible Changes in Domestic Laws to Ensure Better Use of Corporate Profits for the Benefit of the Environment.
    • Corporate Liability for Environmental Degradation- Nature, Scope and Future.
  3. Technology and the Environment
    • Role of Emerging Technologies in Creating and Curbing Pollution.
    • How Green are the ‘Green’ Technologies?
    • Government Policy and Development of Environment-Related Technologies.
    • Environment and Climate Change Related Technology Transfer between Nations and Corporations- Prevalence, Causes, Barriers, and Suggestions.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights and the Environment
    • Balancing Interests of the Patent Holder with the Public Interest in Clean Energy.
    • Role of WTO and TRIPS Flexibilities in Preserving the Environment.
    • Domestic Patent Law and its Suitability in Addressing Environmental Concerns.
    • Patents on Environment-Related Technologies and Green Innovation.

Submission Guidelines

General Instructions

  1. All manuscripts should be original and should not be published elsewhere or be simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere till the final decision of the Editorial Board as to the manuscript is made.
  2. Submissions must consist of the abstract, manuscript and a declaration of originality.
  3. The abstract must be submitted as a separate word document. It should not contain more than 600 words, but should nevertheless provide insight into the main theme and a gist of the ideas explored in the article.
  4. The manuscript will be considered with regard to originality of ideas, quality of analysis, and quality of expression. Plagiarism will lead to immediate disqualification of the manuscript from the review process.
  5. After initial screening, short-listed submissions will go through peer review process and the final selection will be based on the recommendations of the peer reviewers.
  6. Maximum of two authors can collaborate for any submission.
  7. The last date for submission is 15 July 2018, 11:59PM.

Categories of Writings

Only Research Articles will be considered for publication with a word range of 3000-8,000 words (excluding footnotes). Some flexibility with the word limits may be granted by the Editorial Board on a case-to-case basis.


  1. Font Type and Size of the main text must be Times New Roman, 12.
  2. Font Type and Size of footnotes must be Times New Roman, 10.
  3. Line Spacing of the main text and footnotes must be 1.5 and 1 respectively.
  4. Use of headings and Sub-Headings is encouraged.
  5. Citations must be conform to Bluebook 19th Edition format as far as practicable.

Submission Procedure

  1. The submissions are to be made through attachment of the manuscript and the abstract in .doc or .docx format only.
  2. The email must have the subject as- “Submissions for RGNUL Edited Book-[Name of Author]”.
  3. The submission should also include a word file containing the details of the author, including- name, contact number, email, designation, and affiliation.
  4. All submissions must be sent to
  5. The name of the file must contain Name of the Author(s) + Title of the Submission.


Centre Coordinator & Editor: Dr. Renuka Soni, Assistant Professor of Law, RGNUL, Punjab.

Student Coordinator & Student-Editor: Mr. Souradeep Mukhopadhyay

For any further information/ Clarifications or query, please contact Mr. Souradeep Mukhopadhyay (Student-Editor) at or at                       +91 9872464015


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