Journal of Legal Studies & Research

Call For Paper: Journal of Legal Studies & Research (Vol. 4 Issue 3), Submit by May 31

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Call For Paper: Journal of Legal Studies & Research (Vol. 4 Issue 3),

Submit by May 31


Journal of Legal Studies and Research [JLSR] is delighted to announce a call for papers for its Volume 4 Issue 3 which will focus on contemporary issues of law in the field of Contemporary  Law (National & International).


  1. Articles
  2. Research Work/ Academic Projects
  3. Case Comments/ Case Analysis
  4. Case Review
  5. Book Review
  6. Translations
  7. Essay
  8. Short Notes
  9. Critiques


  • Authors should not mention their name or any kind of identification mark in the manuscript. Any manuscript found to have any details of authors shall be rejected upfrontly.
  • Article shall be of 2500-10000 words, book reviews: 1000-1500 words, short notes and case comment: 1000-1500 words.
  • All submissions have to be made in MS Word format with Font size 12 and 1.5 line space.
  • Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of 3 Authors. 3 separate certificates will be provided to each author.
  • The piece should not be overly technical, but practical and engaging.
  • Papers must be written solely by the candidate, in English, and may not have been submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • All the claims of the authors, in the body of the manuscript, are expected to be backed by reasons along with proper citations [bluebook latest edition will do] and shall not be merely an assertion.
  • Submission should also mandatorily include the author’s view, in the conclusion, taking into considerations the aspects/contentions discussed throughout the manuscript.
  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and shall lead to immediate rejection.


  • The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM Indian Standard Time on 31st May 2018.
  • Authors should send their papers using the “Submit Article” link on the website i.e.
  • For any queries, contact us by clicking “Contact Us” Link on our website.


  • It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all references and citations are correct, and the submissions do not contain any material that infringes copyright or is defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful or litigious.
  • The copyright of the manuscript will vest with The Law Brigade Group. Due accreditation will be given to the authors.
  • For the purpose of anonymity, the author/s shall not disclose their identities anywhere in the body of the manuscript.
  • The submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right for modification of the manuscript to maintain the standard and quality of the submission. The board will notify its decision and other relevant information through email.


The author/s are expected to deposit publication fee, once the research paper is accepted for publication. The mode of payment will be intimated to the author/s via email.

Single Author Rs. 1200 [30 USD for International Authors]
Co-Authorship for 2 Authors Rs. 1600 [40 USD for International Authors]
Co-Authorship for 3 Authors Rs. 2100 [51 USD for International Authors]


Submission Deadline: 31st May, 2018

Intimation of Acceptance: 5th June, 2018

Date of Publication of Volume 4 Issue 3: 15th June, 2018

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