Course in Legislative Drafting @ University of London [June 25–July 20]: Registrations Open

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Course in Legislative Drafting @ University of London [June 25–July 20]: Registrations Open


The Course in Legislative Drafting was first offered in 1964, under the name of “The Government Legal Advisers Course”. Since then it has been attended by more than 5,000 legal officials from 100 countries, mostly from within the Commonwealth. Many of these officers have attained posts of great distinction either in the service of their Governments or in international organisations.

From its modest beginnings in the 1960s, the Course in Legislative Drafting has grown to become the most renowned training programme in legislative drafting. Since 1998 the course is offered under the auspices of the Sir William Dale Centre for Legislative Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), School of Advanced Study (SAS), and University of London.

The host institution follows and is audited on the basis of the UK’s framework for academic quality assurance in all its programmes of study. Emphasis is placed on the quality of its lecturers, coherence in structure, encouragement of participation, an academic (rather than commercial) approach to learning, regular review of courses, and post hoc monitoring through regular feedback.

The aim of the course is to empower, rather than prescribe, national drafters to apply best international drafting practices to their own legal system reflecting their own political, cultural, and social intricacies.

The course promotes best practices in statutory drafting, as exemplified in the work of Sir William Dale, Professor Helen Xanthaki, and Dr Constantin Stefanou. Central to the programme is the belief that barriers between “developed” and “transitional” jurisdictions, between common and civil law traditions, between continents and countries are overrated: all drafters can learn from the experience of others provided that lessons learnt serve the same functionality test, and are subsequently naturalised in the context of national eccentricities.

The rich multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-jurisdictional tradition of the Course as a learning environment enriches drafters with innovative solutions, and a unique preview of the insight of others who have already applied and reviewed them.

The Course is suitable for both experienced and inexperienced drafters.

Date and Time

25 Jun 2018, 09:30 to 20 Jul 2018, 14:30


Institute of Advanced Legal Studies,
17 Russell Square,
London WC1B 5DR

Application Procedure

Please click here.


IALS Events Office
020 7862 5800

For official website link, click here.
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