My Law School Journey Till Now By Debajyoti Saha, Law Student, Online Intern@ LawOF

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My Law School Journey Till Now


Debajyoti Saha, Law Student, Online Intern@ LawOF

The journey in law school cannot be expressed in few words. It is a four and half years’ experience. After taking one year coaching for the law entrance exams, I got into School of Law, Christ University, Bangalore. On the first day of college, we were introduced to the 85% attendance policy i.e. the students have to maintain 85% attendance in each semester in order the pass the same. We were told that we need to pass 60 subjects in order to graduate from the college. During the orientation programmes, we were introduced to various extra-curricular events like moot courts, debates, MUNs etc. I was totally clueless of all these things. Most of the seniors were friendly.

After coming to Bangalore, the first adventure for me was to find accommodation by my own in such a big metro city. I searched for different paying guests which took around seven days. The dress code of our college is formal shirt and pant. No informal dress is allowed. During that time, I learned to shop clothes for the first time. Now coming to the college, the first semester was all about making new friends who belonged from different parts of India. We were made to buy blazer with the logo of the college. The first semester went well as the subjects were mostly those which we had already studied in the higher secondary. The teachers were cooperative.

The first challenge in the law college was the introductory moot which everyone had to participate. I did not know anything about the same but I managed somehow. I grew interest in the moot court competitions and tried to participate in the internal moot rounds in order to participate in the external national moots. We need to pass six subjects every semester. We have continuous internal assessment 1 and 3, mid semester and end semester. We had to write research papers in CIA 3 on every subject. Till the 5th semester, the subjects were not cumbersome. But after that, the number of law subjects increased which simultaneously increased the burden on students. I enjoyed a lot in reading those subjects. From the third year, I started writing research papers and attending national conferences. My criminal law and jurisprudence teachers helped me a lot in writing the same. They made me understand the importance of writing papers.

Throughout the journey, I realised that we need co-curricular and extra-curricular things in your career along with the marks. I was not good in any of the sports. Therefore I concentrated in mostly the co-curricular events. There were around 20 committees functioning in the law school. The committees gave opportunity to enhance your leadership and teamwork skills. What I felt in law school till now is to balance your personal life and the career. We will face people of different natures. Some of them would have similar mentality like you and some would not have. You have to handle both of them. I am not emphasizing to only concentrate on academics but have some extra hobby in which you have interests. There is huge competition in the college and you have to be different amongst all.

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