National Seminar On Labour Laws in Emerging India [11-12 November 2017; NLU, Dwarka, Delhi]

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National Seminar On Labour Laws in Emerging India [11-12 November 2017; NLU, Dwarka, Delhi]


The national seminar on Labour Laws in Emerging India is being organised by Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, National Law University Delhi, India in Collaboration with the National Labour Law Association, New Delhi; Friedrich Ebert Foundation, New Delhi.


The developments following the introduction of new economic policies have led to not only large scale outsourcing but also a contraction of regular employees. The restructuring that followed the framework for which the laws were enacted following 1947. The ongoing globalization had, one the one hand increased economic activities with higher returns while on the other hand had caused contractualisation / casualisation of employment relations. The informalization of employment relations has further enlarged the informal economy that is infested with the precarious nature of jobs. The introduction of the capital intensive method of production with segmentation of production line has come to question the very definition of workmen in India. The so called whitecollar workers are engaged in jobs that were earmarked for blue-collar workers. The Corporates, pursuant to globalization and inherent competition, have generally been adopting labour rationalization policies in order to reduce costs and be competitive. They have introduced plans like Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) as well as retrenchment and closures both in the organized and the unorganized sectors. A significant shift has taken place in employment from permanent to temporary, casual and contract employment. This has weakened the collective bargaining machinery. Instances are not lacking where permanent workers in non-core activities are removed and are replaced by contractual workers either through outsourcing to other firms or direct recruitment. Further, some States have exempted several small establishments from the purview of labour inspection. On the other hand, some employers have even offered lower wages to the workforce as a condition for the reopening of closed industries. In the background of nonexisting any form social protection, workmen have accepted such offers. Further, under the WTO regime, labour and economic policies seem to be resulting in the closure or disappearance of many Indian companies, especially, those engaged in consumer goods. The major issue that emerges is how the industrial units which are sick or closed under liquidation, or due to the world wide economic crisis need to be dealt with in India. Particularly the displaced workers. The Conference will also look at the application of various law under the newly introduced GST regime. The goods and services tax that became effective from July 1, 2017, has brought various markets in India under one tax structure. How this will impact the business as also the application of labour laws will form part of this conference.

  • Constitutional vs. Legal Rights;
  • Labour Rights under globalised environment;
  • Indian labour market and Role of Social Partners;
  • Trends and Challenges of labour Laws in India;
  • Protection of rights of Unorganised Workers/labour;
  • Nature of Industrial / Employment Relations in India;
  • Globalisation and International labour standards;
  • Hard vs. Soft Laws;
  • Any other topic connected to the central theme of the Seminar

Professor (Dr) Ranbir Singh, Vice-Chancellor, National Law University Delhi, India.

  • Mr. Patrick Ruethor, Director,Friedrich Ebert Foundation, New Delhi
  • Dr. Pravin Sinha, President, National Labour Law Association, New Delhi
  • Prof. (Dr) S.C. Srivastava, Former Head & Dean Faculty of Law, KU, Haryana
  • Prof. S. Sachidanandam, Professor of Law, National Law University, Delhi
  • Prof (Dr) B T Kaul, Chairman, Delhi Judicial Academy, New Delhi
  • Prof. (Dr) Kamala Shankaran, Vice Chancellor, TN National Law University, Trichy, TN

Prof. (Dr) SC Srivastava, Secretary General, National Labour Law Association, New Delhi

Dr. Jeet Singh Mann, Director, Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, NLU Delhi.
Quality research papers, including field studies, from scholars, researchers, bar & bench, teachers, NGOs/civil societies, and students are invited. One co-author is permitted. Co-author is also required to pay registration charges. Research papers, for inclusion in the conference proceedings, shall be subject to the approval of Editorial Board. All research papers shall be subject to the scrutiny of anti-plagiarism software. Selected quality research papers may be published in the form of a special book with ISBN No.
The research paper should apply research skills and use of appropriate research methodology. The research paper should be thematic, and identification of sub-themes is highly appreciated. It should have proper research questions and should also reflect the findings. The research paper should not be more than 8000 words. It must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1″ margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word application. Footnotes should follow SILC standard of footnoting. Endnotes are not allowed. At the end of the paper, there should be a brief profile of the author with E-mail ID, contact number, and address.
Abstract Submission: 20 Sept 2017
Approved Abstract notification: 01 Oct 2017
Submission of complete papers: 15 Oct 2017
Notification for final list of papers: 20 Oct 2017 Submission of registration form & charges: 01 Nov 2017
The research paper may be submitted to the Convener of the conference at Articles received after the stipulated deadline will not be entertained for participation in the conference.
Registration Teachers/other professionals: Rs. 1500
With Accommodation: Teachers/other professionals: Rs. 2500
Registration charges for Students: Rs.1000
With Accommodation: Students: Rs. 1500
No TA/DA will be paid to participants. Limited accommodation is available on first come first serve basis, without any additional charges, for participants from outside the NCR area only. Preference shall be given to paper presenters. Registration charges can be submitted at any time on or before 01 Nov 2017. Certificate for actual participation shall be issued after completion of the events or will be mailed after completion of the conference. No certificate shall be issued in absentia, and there shall be no refund of registration charges at any stage.
There shall be no registration fee for any foreign delegate/labour organisations functionaries and their accommodation, etc. will also be looked after by the University.
For all communication related to the Seminar kindly visit our web site: Here
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