The RMLNLU Law Review Blog [Rolling Submissions]

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The RMLNLU Law Review Blog [Rolling Submissions]

The RMLNLU Law Review Blog aims to provide a holistic approach to readers by publishing articles from authors on diverse perspectives of law. We also encourage authors who want to share their research and unique contribution in various fields of law through the blog.

The scope of publication is limited to contemporary legal issues. From landmark decisions of the Indian judiciary to sensationalised political piques, all that is current is welcome. Everything must be presented in the form of short, well-informed opinions.

We invite submissions on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year from members of the bar, legal professionals, law students, or others who are interested in publishing with us and wish to further legal discourse.

If you are interested in submitting a piece, kindly mail us at with the subject title: ‘Submission’.

Authors are requested to adhere to the following submission guidelines:

  • Articles should have content that is both original and unpublished.
  • Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  • Citations should conform to the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (4th Edition).
  • Articles should not exceed 1500 words, excluding footnotes.
  • Co-authorship is allowed.

Greetings fellow legal scholars and students, we at the Blog Team of RMLNLU Law Review announce that we have successfully transitioned and that we are committed to publish more and more blog posts with a renewed vigour. We hope that our enthusiasm is equalled by your participation.

You can visit the blog HERE.

You can also follow us on TWITTER.

For more information, please mail us at

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