IIT Guwahati’s Symposium on Retransforming Bhartiya Education, Science and Technology- Deadline- 1st July 2017 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati is organizing the first national symposium

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IIT Guwahati’s Symposium on Retransforming Bhartiya Education, Science and Technology- Deadline- 1st July 2017

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati is organizing the first national symposium on retransforming Bhartiya Education, Science and Technology (BEST 2017): Uttar-Purva Bharat – An unexplored region of the paradise during October 06 – 08, 2017.

This symposium is the inaugural annual PAN-India event to enhance and enrich young minds to get involved in more and more value added research as per the need of our country and to preserve and inculcate our traditions, art and culture.

Call for papers:

Soft copies of papers should be submitted as a .pdf file as per the IEEE conference paper format submits not exceeding six A4 size pages and soft copy of the paper should be uploaded on the symposium web site.

There will be double blind review of the paper. Therefore do not include authors’ name in submitted paper. A Paper with authors’ names will not be considered for review. The paper must include an abstract of about 250 words and maximum of five keywords related to the topic of the paper.

Authors of the accepted papers will be informed by email. Information about necessary revisions will be communicated to the corresponding author through email. The author(s) will have to incorporate the suggestions and will have to send the revised camera ready copy of the paper in the given time limit.

Along with the paper, authors are required to submit an undertaking form stating that, the paper has not been published previously, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and if accepted will not be published elsewhere in the same form.

It is mandatory for at least one of the authors to register in non-student category for publication of the paper in proceedings. For the author presenting more than one papers, it is mandatory to register and present each paper separately.

Sub-Themes of the symposium:

  • Traditions and faiths
  • Languages and Literature
  • Folklore
  • Economic Issues (Trade, Commerce, Agriculture etc.)
  • Science and Technology
  • Traditional Knowledge System
  • Literacy to Education
  • Anthropological and Demographic Issues
  • History, Legend and Mythology

Important Dates:

Paper Submission
Abstract Submission 01 July 2017
Paper Submission 15 July 2017
Notification of Acceptance for Papers 31 August 2017
Camera Ready Paper Submission 10 September 2017
Registration Opens 01 September 2017
Fellowship Application Opens 15 August 2017
Fellowship Application closes 31 August 2017
Fellowship Acceptance 05 Sept 2017
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