Call For Research Articles: HPNLU-Law Review Journal

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Call For Research Articles: HPNLU-Law Review Journal


The HPNLU Law Review (HPNLULR) aims at establishing an interdisciplinary academic dialogue between researchers and professionals engaged in the study of issues with a strong focus on questions of legal and jurisprudential significance. Apart from soliciting contributions from scholars working in the area of Legal Studies, the Journal actively seeks high quality research articles, commentaries, essays and book reviews from a wide variety of academic disciplines such as Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Literature, Philosophy and Psychology.


(i) Only those contributions that fall within the scope and purview of the HPNLULR shall be considered for publication.

(ii) Contributions should be written in the English language and be in conformity with the HPNLULR’s scheme, style and rules of citation.

(iii) The word limit for Research Articles is approximately 8000-10000 words. Notes and HPNLULR Submission Guidelines For Author(s) Page 2 of 8 comments should be about 4,000-5,000 words long. Book Reviews shall have the word limit of 1,000 words.

(iv) Contributions to the HPNLULR shall be evaluated by the nominated Referees. A mere submission of a contribution shall not confer any claim for publication.

(v) The Editorial Board of HPNLULR reserves the right to decide whether the contribution be published or not.

(vi) Submission of a paper shall be taken to imply that it is an unpublished work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

(vii) Copyright of all entries received shall exclusively vest with the Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh (HPNLU). The submission of work would imply that the contributor has assigned such rights to HPNLU on its publication in the HPNLULR.


The following information is required along with the contribution:

(i) Name, official designation, address for correspondence, e-mail address and phone number of the contributor(s);

(ii) Brief resume (not exceeding 150 words);

(iii) An abstract of not more than 300 words that outlines the area of study and important conclusions.

A soft copy of the contribution (in MS-Word format) should be sent through email to


For Further Details Click Here


LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

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