Invitation of Entries for Legal Literacy Video Contest -2017 @ Department of Justice, GOI- UNDP Project: Access to Justice for Marginalized People. Deadline: 27th March, 2017

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Invitation of Entries for Legal Literacy Video Contest – 2017

Department of Justice, GOI- UNDP Project: Access to Justice for Marginalized People.

Deadline: 27th March, 2017 

Access to Justice for Marginalized Project is being implemented by the Department of Justice, Ministry of law and Justice in partnership with United Nations Development Program. The Project aims at strengthening access to justice for the marginalized – particularly women, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, minorities, senior citizens,undertrial prisoners etc. – by supporting strategies and initiatives that seek to address the barriers they face.

With the endeavour to make legal knowledge and information accessible and disseminated in a sustained and creative way and to collate the voluntary initiatives of various individuals and institutions working for the cause of Access to Justice, under one dedicated platform, the Department of Justice has envisaged for Creation of Resource House/Bank for Legal literacy, Legal Awareness and Legal Empowerment.

The Department of Justice invites entries on the following eight themes that include-

1. Child Rights

2. Women Rights

3. Rights of differently abled people

4. Rights of Undertrial persons

5. Fundamental Duties

6. Welfare of socially and economically backward classes of society and persons under circumstances of caste atrocity; ethnic violence etc

7. Juvenile Justice

8. Forest and Indigenous Communities.

Who Can Participate

Faculty/students who are interested to participate in this contest.

Nature of Awards

1. The entries will be received under the following time durations: –

  • Less than ten minutes
  • Ten to twenty minutes
  • More than twenty minutes’ video and upto thirty minutes

2. The best three entries under each of the above categories will be awarded a prize of designated amount.

3. For 10 mins category – 1st prize = 25,000; 2nd prize =22,500 and 3rd prize= 20 000

4. For 20 mins category prize money= 1st prize= 30000 2nd prize 25000 and 3rd prize = 22500;

5. For 30 minutes’ category prize money =1st prize – 50,000; 2nd Prize – 40000; 3rd prize; Rs 35000.

How to Apply

Interested Applicants are required to submit the following: –

1. Videos in the DVD along with Annexure A and Short Note in one BIG Envelope marked “Entry for Legal Literacy Video Contest -2017”.

2. Addressed to: Shri Muralidhar Pandey, Director, (J-II),Room No 12, Department of Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice ,26 Jaislamer House, MansinghRoad, New Delhi -110011;Telephone no:23385332 email

RFP Schedule

  • 2nd March 2017 (Thursday):  RFP Release
  • 13th March 2017(Monday): Deadline for receiving any questions and Queries
  • 27th March 2017 Time 5: pm : Deadline for receiving all Videos with Annexure A and Short Note

For Further Query/Assistance

Ms. Geetanjali Dhankar, Project Manager, A2J at 9899380648 email id


Ms. Shikha Hundal, Project Officer, A2J at 9599939879; email id-


For Full Notification, CLICK HERE

For More Information Visit web portal of Department of Justice, CLICK HERE




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