Kshan-12th National Moot Court Competition, 2017 from 3rd-5th March 2017 @ G.H. Raisoni Law School

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Kshan-12th National Moot Court Competition, 2017 from 3rd-5th March 2017 @ G.H. Raisoni Law School


Participants should be currently pursuing their bachelor’s degree in law i.e. 3 Year LL.B. Programme or 5 Year LL.B. Programme.


  • The teams must register themselves by sending the soft copy of the registration form, DD amounting Rs. 4000/- in the name of G.H. RAISONI LAW SCHOOL payable at NAGPUR, along with the year the student is studying in and the University/ College they are going to represent along with the attestation of the HOD/Chancellor/Principal or Vice-Principal by 20th February 2017. The above shall be mailed on raisonilawschool@gmail.com marked as REGISTRATION- KSHAN 2017.
  • Online registrations will be open from 5th February 2017. Participants will receive an acknowledgement cum approval as confirmation of their online registration & participation periodically after registration.
  • Registrations shall be confirmed only by the registration department of the college and shall be complete once the soft copies of the Registration form along with the DD is received. The form shall be sealed and stamped by the participating college.
  • Once registration is done no change in names will be possible. However, in exceptional circumstances if a change in name is inevitable a fresh online registration have to be made along with a scanned copy of the approval letter from the college/institution/ university or duly attested registration form clearly explaining the reasons for the change and with authorized signatory & seal of the college/ institution / university.


The following awards shall be presented:

1. Best Team: Rs. 15,000/-

2. Second Best Team: Rs. 10,000/-

3. Best Advocate: Rs. 5,000/-

4. Second Best Advocate: Rs. 3,500/-

5. Best Researcher: Rs. 3,500/-

6. Best Memorial: Rs. 3,000/-

In addition to the above awards, certificates are given to other winners / categories. Participating certificates would be given to all teams.

Important Dates:

  • Start of registration February 5, 2017
  • Clarifications February 20, 2017
  • Last date for receiving soft copies of Registration form, DD and Travel form February 20, 2017
  • Last date for mailing the soft copies of the Memorials February 24, 2017
  • Last date for receiving of the hard copies of the Memorials February 26, 2017


For any general clarifications and clarifications regarding registration, please contact:

– Madhur Deo(Vice-President): +91-9970560600

– Akash P. Shahu(Secretary): +91-9823962192

For any clarifications regarding the moot problem, please contact:

– Harshal Belekar(Executive Co-ordinator): +91-8446480093

– Adit Ved(Executive): +91-9158032314

Ms. Tejas Fadnavis(President): +91-8390096108


For Rules & Regulations, CLICK HERE

For Moot Problem, CLICK HERE

For Registration Form, CLICK HERE

For Travel Form, CLICK HERE



LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

The Contents of this Website are informative only and for the benefit of the general public. Even though every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of information and procedure, the www.lawof.in is not responsible for any inadvertent errors and the same may please be brought to the notice through e-mail: info@lawof.in


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