“Law School Journey” Till Now: Malvikka Arya, (Law Student), University School of Law and Legal studies, IP University Dehli

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“Law School Journey” Till Now

Malvikka Arya, (Law Student), University School of Law and Legal Studies, 

IP University Dehli  

The journey in a law school for me began on August 16th, 2014. After thousands of refresh commands and 404 errors, the page appeared with my name and I got admission in the IP University’s main campus. A night of tears led to a month of bewilderment. A new step, a new place surrounded by different, unique and unknown characters, my journey began. Arriving at this new place, I had been told that I was lucky to have missed the ‘ragging’ season. An introduction to various societies such as debating, mooting, etc. catered well to my interest of public speaking, and teaming up along with two equally enthusiastic fellow newbies, something good came out of it.

As it is said, a law student enters college with the aim of participating in a moot court competition. I was lucky enough to get this opportunity in my first year of college life itself. Being the winners of ALL DELHI FIRST YEAR’S USLLS MOOT COURT COMETITION, 2015 was like icing on the cake. Being a researcher, I gained a lot of experience of researching and learned how to prepare a moot memorial. From learning the art of mooting to making my researching skills more strong and knowing the etiquettes of the court. The whole experience was full of knowledge and excitement. The help provided from our mentors made us win the award for best memorial also. The efforts put by our mentors and teachers made this competition an unforgettable event for us.

Being amongst the top three students of my batch, second year of my law college life was an eye opener for me. It taught me various lessons not only relating to the field of law but of life also. The internships done in this period gave me the experience of the real legal world. It showed me the charm of the corporate world and the difficulties and patience of the litigation. I got the experience of writing various research papers and presenting them in top NLU’s and getting appreciated there, motivated me towards analytical and research work.

Third year of my law school, gave me an introduction to the procedural law. The pressure of the law school, whether it is academically or through various competitions is at its peak. My internship at Shardul Amarchand can be considered as a highlight of this year that generated my interest in the field of IPR.

A girl who before entering the law college was always hidden from the outside world and was unaware of the race in the legal field, is now a part of it. To act according to the situation and be always ready to argue from both the sides of a coin are some of the lessons I got from the legal fraternity. It is always the hard work that speaks but what matters is your patience to experience the fruit of it.


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