Call for Papers By Heritage Law College; Submit by Sep 6, 2024

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What Is Heritage Law College?

Heritage Law College has been set up with a view to advancing and disseminating learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their role in national development. The aim is to promote legal knowledge and to make law and the legal process, efficient instruments of social development.

About The Journal

Heritage Law College invites authors to contribute scholarly work in contemporary legal issues to the upcoming issue of the Journal of Heritage Law College. The Journal is the flagship law journal of Heritage Law College and is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal.

About Call For Papers

The journal accepts submissions in contemporary legal issues from academicians, professionals, scholars, and students under the categories: Articles, Essays, Case Notes, Legislative Comments, and Book Reviews.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Eligibility: Academicians, Professionals, Scholars and Students
  • Theme: Contemporary legal issues
  • Submission Categories
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Articles
  • Essays
  • Case Notes
  • Legislative Comments
  • Book Review
  • Formatting Guidelines: The preferred format for your manuscript is Microsoft Word (.docx)
  • The preferred maximum length for:
  • Abstract (250-300 words)
  • Keywords (3-5)
  • Articles (4000-5000 words)
  • Essays (3000-4000 words)
  • Case Notes(1000-2000 words)
  • Legislative Comments (1000-2000 words)
  • Book Review (1000-2000 words)
  • The length includes footnotes.
  • Submission Guidelines
  • Margin: 2.54 cm from all sides
  • Title:
  • Font: Times New Roman (Bold)
  • Font size: 16 pts.
  • Alignment: Centre
  • Abstract:
  • Font: Times New Roman (Italics)
  • Font size: 12 pts.
  • Line spacing: 1
  • Alignment: Centre
  • Keywords:
  • Font: Times New Roman (Italics)
  • Font size: 12 pts.
  • Alignment: Justified
  • Headings:
  • Font: Times New Roman (Bold)
  • Font size: 14 pts.
  • Alignment: Left
  • Content:
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 pts.
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Alignment: Justified
  • Footnotes:
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 10 pts
  • Line Spacing: 1.0
  • Alignment: Justified
  • Submission Deadline: September 06, 2024
  • Submission Link: CLICK HERE 

For More Information:

CLICK HERE To Visit The Website

Contact Information

  • Joydip Ghosal: e-mail Id:
  • Prithwish Ganguli: e-mail Id:
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