National Conference On Administration Of Justice In India on 7th September 2024 at National Law University, Delhi. Submit Abstract By 31st July 2024

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What Is NLU, Delhi?

National Law University, Delhi, a top law university in India, is ranked second in the National Institutional Ranking Framework for five consecutive years. Its primary goal is to provide comprehensive, interdisciplinary legal education, promoting socially relevant legal education and fostering the rule of law. The university plans to organize a National Conference on Administration of Justice in India.

What Is CPL?

The Centre for Comparative Studies In Personal Laws (CPL) conducts research on constitutional law and personal, matrimonial, and succession-related issues, providing counseling, assistance, and litigation support. It analyzes current laws, policies, programs, and judicial pronouncements, organizing events and discussions. The Centre focuses on indigenous Indian society values and constitutional principles, studying socio-economic changes, family systems, and societal gaps to improve peace and development.

About The Conference:

The Centre for Comparative Study in Personal Laws is partnering with the Indian Council for Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) to conduct a Major Research Project on the challenges faced by India’s current judicial system. The project, titled “Indigenous Mechanism for Dispensation of Justice in India: An Analytical and Comparative Study with UK and China,” aims to analyze the administration of justice in India and the factors contributing to the accumulation of arrears in courts. The National Conference aligns with the project, aiming to analyze why the current justice dispensation system in India is not yielding desired results despite systemic improvements. The conference will address questions such as whether the current system is appropriate for the diverse culture, history, needs, and aspirations of Indian people, and whether there is a need to overhaul the overall judicial system.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • MODE: Offline, AT NLU, Delhi
  • Important Dates:
  • Last Date for Submission of Abstract: July 31, 2024
  • Intimation of Approval of Abstract: August 18, 2024
  • Last Date for Full Paper Submission: November 30, 2024
  • Publication of Peer Reviewed/ Referred Book: Before Feb, 2025
  • Date of Conference: 7th September, 2024

Themes/ Sub-Themes:

I. Administration of justice in India and in other countries

• System of administration of justice in India and its aims and objectives
• System of administration of justice in India and its efficiency
• System of administration of justice in India and issue of backlog of cases
• Backlog of cases and role of Constitutional courts in India
• Court arrears and its impact on administration of justice in India
• Court structures, hierarchies and administration of justice in India
• Legal technicalities, procedural hassles and administration of justice in India
• Administration of justice in India and UK: Comparative study of their
effectiveness and efficiency
• Administration of justice in India and China: Comparative study of their
effectiveness and efficiency
• Lessons learnt/Best practices for efficient administration of justice in India
• System of administration of justice in India and in other countries during

II. Challenges in/for the system of administration of justice in India

• Challenges/Issues faced by the current system of administration of justice in India
• Issue of court arrears and its impact on the current system of administration of justice in India
• Population explosion and increasing literacy levels and their impact on the efficiency of courts in India
• Docket explosion and efficiency of system of administration of justice in India
• Challenges/problems arising due to current system of administration of justice in India
• Judicial structure, hierarchies of courts, legal hassles, institutional flaws, infrastructural issues relating to administration of justice in India
• Judge-population ratio and efficiency of system of administration of justice in India
• Relevance of social/economic context of/for judges and on system of administration of justice in India

III. Slow judiciary and its impact on socio-economic growth of India
• Causes/reasons for slow judiciary in India
• Consequences of slow judiciary on national growth of India
• Slow judiciary and its socio-economic impact in India
• Slow judiciary and reduced access to justice
• Slow judiciary and inefficient adjudication and deterrence
• Slow judiciary and increasing crime rate
• Slow judiciary and its impact on safety and security of individuals
• Legal barriers limiting/obstructing administration of justice in rural/urban
• Asymmetrical judicial development in different states of India

IV. Administration of justice in India and Judicial Reforms
• Administration of justice in India and crisis of backlog in the legal system of India
• Administration of justice in India and steps to clear the backlog/pendency
• Administration of justice in India and judicial reforms since independence/pre/post constitution and Traditional and modern scope of reforming judiciary in India
• Judicial reforms: ways to combat with judicial inefficiency
• Role of judges/lawyers/stakeholders in reformation of Indian judiciary
• Bar and Bench: Need for an efficient interplay between the two
• Alternative Disputes Resolution Mechanisms and their effective application
• Tribunals and speedier resolution and justice dispensation
• Loose ends in judicial reforms adopted so far

V. Solutions: A new Perspective
• Reshaping/overhauling the system of administration of justice in India
• Segregating the civil and criminal justice delivery systems for better administration of justice in India
• Introduction and measuring various parameters to determine the judicial efficiency of Indian courts
• Innovative strategies and approaches to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of Indian Judiciary
• Policy initiatives/political reforms- new dimensions for efficient system of administration of justice in India
• Innovative strategies and tools to eliminate courts’ pendency
• Negotiation, Mediation and community participation for quick resolution of disputes
• Robust Panchayat System and resolution of disputes at local level
• Early Neutral Evaluation and its effective implementation for better administration of justice in India
• Best practices to eliminate court arrears adopted by other countries (UK, China etc.) and their implementation in India

Registration fees:

Registration Fees (after approval of abstract) – Rs.
1000/- (for each author)
Cost of Publication and Hard Copy of the book – Rs.
2000/- (per copy)

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