Lexspective24 – Article Writing Competition By Indique Law [Cash Prizes Of Rs. 10K] Register & Submit By 10th January 2024

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Who Is The Organiser?

Indique Law comprises a team of practicing advocates and law students who are driven by the belief that justice should be accessible to all. With the motto “Justice begins today,” they strive to democratize the legal landscape by offering free daily legal updates on their social media platforms and providing pro bono legal assistance to those in need.

They are thrilled to introduce the Article Writing Competition on behalf of Indique Law. The main aim of this event is to explore diverse perspectives on contemporary legal topics. They firmly believe that everyone should have a voice when it comes to the issues of our world today. What’s even more crucial is the ability to substantiate and articulate those viewpoints.

What Are The Details Of The Competition?

  • Theme/ Topic: Authors are free to write on any contemporary, social, political or legal issue. 
  • Publication: The best articles which meet the criteria of Indique Law Journal shall be published in the Indique Law Journal [ISSN: 2582-8126] blog with the credits being provided to the author(s).
  • Awards:
    • BEST ARTICLE: Cash Prize of INR 5,000/- and Certificate. 
    • 2ND BEST ARTICLE: Cash Prize of INR 2,500/- and Certificate.
    • 3RD BEST ARTICLE: Cash Prize of Rs, 2,000/- and Certificate.
    • Certificate of Participation shall be provided to all the participants. 
  • Submission Guidelines:
    • The language of the article should be English only.
    • The submission must be an original unpublished work. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under the consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere. Plagiarism of any sort will lead to immediate disqualification.
    • Submissions must be made in Microsoft Office (doc./docx.) formats only.
    • The Submission should be free from all grammatical and spelling errors.
    • The body of the manuscript must be in the font ‘Times New Roman’, font size 12, Sub-Heading Size 1, Title Size – 20, line spacing 1.5 and the text should justify.
    • All footnotes must be in Font ‘Times New Roman’, font size 10, line spacing 1.
    • Participants have to adopt a uniform style of citation throughout the document.
    • Indique Law reserves all the rights related to the article. The authors by submitting their articles would be deemed to have divested the copyright to Lexspective’23 Article Writing Competition. 
    • Word Limit: 800-2500 words.
    • Submission of the article shall be done on this email Id- submission@ilawjournal.org with subject line “Lexspective24 Article Writing Competition”.  
    • Registration Fee to participate in Article Writing Competition is INR 499/-
    • Co-authorship of maximum 2 authors is allowed.
  • Important dates:
    • Last Date for Registration- 10th January, 2024
    • Last Date for Submission of Article- 10th January, 2024
    • Declaration of Winners- 15th January, 2024

For More Information:

Feel free to reach out regarding the rules of the competition or any other queries, send your queries to contact@indiquelaw.com with the subject line “Lexspective 24 Article Writing Competition-Queries”. You can also contact to +91- 8920813012 or Mail at rajnesh.kumar@indiquelaw.com

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