2nd NLU-J CLT Colloquium on Legal Theory and Family Laws on March 11th, 2017. Deadline: 28th Dec., 2016

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2ndNLU-J CLT Colloquium on Legal Theory and Family Laws on March 11th, 2017

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

National Law University (NLU), Jodhpur

Centre for Legal Theory


2ndNLU-J Centre for Legal Theory


THEME: Legal Theory and Family Laws



National Law University, Jodhpur

NH-65, Nagaur Road, Mandore

The Centre for Legal Theory at National Law University, Jodhpur is pleased to invite participants for the 2ndNLU-J CLT Colloquium on Legal Theory and Family Laws, which shall be held on March 11th, 2017.

Under this highly contentious and widely debatable theme, participants are invited to write on any of the following sub-topics, but strictly based on analysis with respect to legal theory:

  1. Uniform Civil Code
  2. Gender Parity (e.g., abortion laws, discriminatory laws against women)
  3. Concept of Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage in light of the new Bill
  4. Concept of family and marriage
  5. Validity and necessity of Restitution of Conjugal Rights
  6. Concept of Domestic Relationship

Paper and Submission Guidelines

  • Participation is open to all.
  • Abstract of length 300-500 words containing keywords and the tentative conclusions must be sent to nlujodhpur@gmail.com by 2359 hrs. on 28th December, 2016.
  • Acceptance of selected abstracts will be notified by 31st December, 2016.
  • Full paper must be submitted by 2359 hrs. on 1st March, 2017.
  • Co-authorship is allowed.
  • All papers shall adhere to the following format:

The Paper must be submitted in MS Word format only. The Paper must not have more than 6000 words (excluding footnotes). The Paper must be sent along with a cover page containing the following information about the authors:

o Full Name of 1st Author

o Current year of study (for student)/ Designation of Faculty

o Full Name of 2nd Author

o Current year of study (for student)/ Designation of Faculty

o Name and Full Address of Law School/University with phone number of University

o Phone Number of Authors (both Representatives)

o E-mail id of Authors (both Representatives)

  • Font type should be Times New Roman and Font Size should be 12 pt. for the text and 10pt. for the footnotes.
  • Line spacing should be 1.5 for the main text and 1.0 for the footnotes.
  • Footnotes must follow The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Harvard, 20th Edition) throughout.
  • All submissions must be original and bona fide work of the participants.
  • The Participants by applying for this Colloquium agree to indemnify the organisers from and against all claims, suits and damages based on any claim of copyright infringement or plagiarism or unauthorized use.
  • All entries shall be considered to be the property of NLU-J for, which NLU-J also reserves the right of publication of the same in any book, journal, or in any other manner as it may deem appropriate, without providing any royalty or compensation.
  • The Paper should not be submitted for any other competition and/or for any other purposes. Any further publication after submission shall only be pursued after express permission has been sought from the organisers.


The final outcome shall be a position paper released in the name of NLU-J CLT, crediting all participants, which after approval from all participants; shall be sent to the Chief Justice of India, the Law Commission, and independent MPs etc.

Accommodation And Meals

Participants shall be given accommodation for 11th& 12th March, 2017 in the University and all meals for the concerned days 2016 shall be made available. Any additional days of stay must be arranged for by the participants at their own expense.

Important Dates 

  • Abstract Submission: 2359 hours, 28th December, 2016.
  • Intimation of acceptance of selected abstracts: 31st December, 2016.
  • Full Paper Submission: 2359 hours, 1st March, 2017.
  • Colloquium: 11th March, 2017.


For any queries, please mail at clt.nlujodhpur@gmail.com

Or call us at:

National Law University, Jodhpur NH-65, Nagaur Road, Mandore


Shagun Jaggi: +91 9799558452

Sunayana Sasmal: +91-9783384675


For Full Notification, CLICK HERE



LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

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