Consumers India & The Society For Upliftment Of Masses (SUM) Invites For Their 78th programme In Consumer Series On The Topic “Celebrity Endorsements – Are We Still Being Duped?”, Keynote Speaker- Ms Nidhi Khare, Special Secretary, Deptt Of Consumer Affairs, Govt Of India & Chairperson, Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) [7 October 2023 ]: Register Now!

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Who Are The Organisers?

Consumers India had successfully organized 14 programmes in ‘Smart Consumer Series’ in collaboration with India Habitat Centre from March 2015 to March 2016. It has now been decided to renew the series as ‘Consumer Series’, in collaboration with The Society for Upliftment of Masses (SUM), an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of United Nations & India Habitat Centre.  Consumers India In collaboration with The Society For Upliftment Of Masses (SUM), An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations organises a talk on ‘Consumer is King’ -How True?’ to be geld on 27th July 2023.

What Are The Details Of The Event?

  • Topic: Celebrity Endorsements – Are We Still Being Duped?
  • Date of the event: 7 October 2023, from 6.30 to 8.30 PM
  • Mode: Offline
  • Venue: Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
  • Eligibility for participation: This is an open programme in which all are welcome.
  • Registration: No Registration Fee. Facilities for free spot registration are provided
  • Keynote Speaker: Ms Nidhi Khare, Special Secretary, Deptt of Consumer Affairs, Govt of India & Chairperson, Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has kindly consented to be the Keynote Speaker in this programme.
  • Panelists:
    • Prof Sri Ram Khanna, Chief Editor, Consumer Voice, Ex Prof, Head and Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics-DU
    • Ms Shivangi Dwivedi, MBA student, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi; & 
    • Dr. Jayashree Gupta, President, Consumers India.

For More Information:

CLICK HERE For The Details Of ‘Consumer Series’ 

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