Animal Law Centre, NALSAR University Is Organising ‘ALC Webinar Series’ 2023 [From 22nd July To 27th August 2023]: Register Now!

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Who Is The Organiser?

The Animal Law Centre (ALC) is the first of its kind in India, set up by NALSAR University of Law in collaboration with Humane Society International-India in 2016. The centre is dedicated to research into animal laws and policies in the country. Our primary goals include creating an inclusive approach to eliminate all forms of cruelty and to ensure reciprocity between laws and practice at various levels of socio-political structure. Their vision includes furthering the movement with Policy Analysis, Legal and Interdisciplinary Research, Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns. Additionally, ALC also offers an Animal Law Clinic programme to the students of NALSAR. Apart from academic exposure to theoretical questions regarding the treatment of animals, the clinic focuses on data collection, and policy formation. The outcomes of clinic projects are intended to be published as policy papers or position papers on already existing laws and/or to draft petitions in courts.

Animal Law Centre envision a universal compassionate approach towards animals. Their belief in furthering the cause of animals as a movement keeps them engaged in the theoretical as well as practical developments not only in India but around the world. They constantly look forward to creating multidisciplinary constructive discourses to develop multipronged approaches and initiatives for the social movement for animals. They hope to make a meaningful contribution to the movement by bridging the gap between the government, academia, and civil society. The Animal Law Centre, NALSAR University, is observing a ALC Webinar Series from 22nd July to 27th August, 2023

What Are The Details Of The Event?

  • Name of the event: ALC Webinar Series 2023
  • Date of the event: 22nd July-27th August 2023 (every Saturday)
  • Mode & Platform of the event: Virtual, on Cisco WebEx 
  • Eligibility for participation: Students, Lawyers, Faculty and Animal Law/FoodSafety/Sociology practitioners
  • Topics Of webinar with dates:
    • Dog bites– 22nd July
    • Human Monkey conflict– 29th July
    • Captive Elephant– 5th August 
    • Pet shops– 12th August 
    • Dog meat trade– 19th August
    • Farm Animal Protection– 26th August
    • Jallikattu– 27th August
  • Registration/submission procedure: online registration only
  • Registration form: CLICK HERE to fill out the registration form
  • Registration fees: NIL
  • Participation certificates: All attendees will be provided with certificates.
  • Speakers: Gauri Maulekhi, Alokparna Sengupta and Teja Pannerru and others.

For More Information:

For any query email at or contact on 6302771418

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CLICK HERE To Visit ALC NALSAR University Website

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