WIPO Training, Mentoring And Matchmaking Program On ‘Intellectual Property For Women Entrepreneurs From Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities’ [18th-22nd September 2023]: Submit Applications By April 21, 2023

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What Is WIPO?

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. It is a self-funding agency of the United Nations with a mission to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. There mandate, governing bodies and procedures are set out in the WIPO Convention, which established WIPO in 1967.

What Are The Details Of The Program?

  • Objective: To strengthen the capacity of indigenous and local community women entrepreneurs to make strategic and effective use of intellectual property tools in support of their businesses. The program has a practical approach and consists of a training phase and a mentoring and matchmaking phase
  • Theme: Intellectual Property For Women Entrepreneurs From Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities
  • Date of the event:18th-22nd September 2023
  • Mode: Offline at WIPO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
  • Last Date of Registration: April 21, 2023, 11:59 p.m., Geneva Time (CET)
  • Registration Process: CLICK HERE to fill the application form. WIPO will select up to 20 participants
  • Program Cost: WIPO will cover the costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence associated with the participants’ attendance to the practical workshop.

What Is The Program Structure?

  • The training phase will consist of a practical workshop that includes a mixture of short presentations, case studies and group work..
  • During the practical workshop, participants will have the opportunity to:
  1. Build capacity in intellectual property and acquire the skills necessary for an effective use of intellectual property rights, including in the digital economy;
  2. Acquire basic knowledge of related fields useful in an entrepreneurial context, such as business modeling, marketing and digital storytelling.
  3. Opportunity for participants to network and share experiences with other indigenous and local community women entrepreneurs from around the world to further develop their projects and businesses.
  4. WIPO will work with program collaborators and experts who bring deep and valuable experiences to the table.

Note: a) The mentoring and matchmaking phase will take place in 2024 where mentors will be assigned to individual participants to provide guidance and support in the implementation of the intellectual property components of the participants’ projects and businesses.

b) Mentoring will be provided through video chat, emailing and telephone communication by WIPO and/or its
program collaborators.

Who Can Participate?

  • Women entrepreneurs from indigenous peoples or local communities, such as artisans, designers, performing artists, researchers, healers, or small-scale farmers, who have a project or business based on traditional knowledge or traditional cultural expressions with an intellectual property component, are encouraged to apply.
  • It is recommended that participants have or acquire a basic understanding of intellectual property prior to the practical Workshop and participants should be able to effectively communicate in English.

How Can Participants Benefit From The Program?

  • The Program will Assist creative and innovative entrepreneurs to sustainably brand and commercialize products and services based on traditional knowledge and/or traditional cultural expressions;
  • Help communities identify and manage intellectual property issues that can arise in the context of projects focused on the documentation and digitization of traditional knowledge and/or traditional cultural expressions; or
  • Help folk, art, and cultural festival organizers, as well as the artists, performers, and exhibitors at such festivals, to monitor and manage the use of intellectual property rights in that context.

For More Information:

For any query contact at wep@wipo.int

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