IMS Unison University in collaboration with Kathmandu University, Nepal is organizing the 1st international conference on “Transforming International Dispute Resolution Mechanisms During a Paradigm Shift in Geopolitics” scheduled to be held on 10th-11th February 2023, in India.
The conference will be organized in a HYBRID way, which will allow for both physical and online participation of the attendees. The conference aims to provide an absolute academic platform for attendees to foster discussion on emerging trends in dispute resolution and the impact of the Mediation Convention on the International Business Environment and World Politics.
During two days of this prestigious conference, academicians/ researcher scholars/ organization representatives/ students will share views and experiences as to how their unique perspectives on mediation, negotiation, arbitration, and other forms of dispute resolution mechanisms have the capacity to shape and transform conflict resolution across the globe.
On behalf of our institution, we are delighted to expand an invitation to you and your prestigious institution to participate in the International Conference on the above-mentioned theme and present your research paper on the theme and sub-themes mentioned in the event brochure.
Kindly note the following:
1. All full paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, research depth, accuracy, and relevance to the conference themes and topics.
2. All the registered participants will be provided with a participation certificate.
3. The selected papers of each session will be acknowledged and published in the form of an edited book.
4. No Registration Fees for Participants from Outside of India.
5. Important Dates –
Abstract Submission 20th January 2023
Date for Confirmation of Acceptance of Abstract 25th January 2023
Last Date for Registration 30th January 2023
Submission of Full Paper 07th February 2023