Call for Chapters for law students by Centre for Research in Alternative Dispute Resolution, NUSRL: Submit Now!

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Situated in Ranchi, the capital city of Jharkhand, National University of Study and Research in Law (NUSRL) was established to develop a holistic perspective of legal education in all its manifestations, particularly advocacy, judicial and legal institutional services, legislation, law reforms and research in allied areas.

Centre for Research in Alternative Dispute Resolution, NUSRL (CRADR-NUSRL) is being established as a Centre dedicated to research and capacity-building in ADR and will be the newest addition to the long list of respectable research centres functioning in the University.

One of its foremost aims is to fill voids that plague existing literature and bridge the often-daunting gap between the academia and practicalities of a career in ADR.

CRADR – Upcoming Book on Alternative Dispute Resolution 

As the legal and practical aspects of Alternative Dispute Resolution, an ever-growing efficacious, speedy and cost-effective mechanism of dispute resolution, are often ignored and not extensively written about, the upcoming book aims to initiate a discourse on the pressing and contemporary issues in arbitration practice in India, and present novel and innovative solutions to the issues faced by all the stakeholders.


There is no set theme, however, the Chapters must address the key issues pertaining to ADR and related contemporary issues.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.
  2. All submissions must be in Times New Roman font size 12, and Spacing 1.5.
  3. The Word limit for all submissions is between 3000 – 5000 words. This stipulation is, however, flexible at the Editor’s discretion in exceptional cases.
  4. All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  5. The write-up must be named in the following format:
    • For single authors: “[Last Name]_[Title of the Write-up].doc”. Eg: “Sharma_The Rise & Rise of ICSID.doc”.
    • For two authors: “[Last Name of 1st Author],[Last Name of 2nd Author]_[Title of the Write-up].doc”. Eg: “Sharma, Gupta_The Rise & Rise of ICSID.doc”.
  6. Relevant information about authors, including name/s, roll number/s and batch/es, should be written on the first page under the title of the write-up.
  7. Authors must follow Oscola legal citation style.
  8. The submissions must be original, unpublished, and an outcome of the author’s own efforts. Any submission to the CRADR automatically includes a declaration to the effect of “The article is an original work of the author(s). I(We) certify that my(our) submission is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under review or consideration elsewhere.”
  9. Authors must acknowledge and give due reference to any source. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and articles found to be plagiarized will not be considered for publication.
  10. On submission, authors shall be deemed to have divested the copyright to CRADR. However, all moral rights shall vest with the author(s).
  11. Editors reserve the right to change/modify/alter/improve the text so submitted by the author(s) before their final publication.
  12. All submissions should be sent to the following email id:
  13. Plagiarism:
    • The CRADR Editorial Board has a strict no plagiarism policy.
    • At the outset, the authors are requested to send manuscripts that are original and unpublished. In case plagiarism is detected, the Editorial Board has the right to reject the submission. Due credit must be given, to the best of the authors’ abilities, to all who have ideated the content the authors have submitted.

Submission Procedure

All submissions should be sent to the following email id:

For further clarity contact the following:;

For Urgent Queries, contact Raj Shekhar at +91 62044 02721

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