Call for Submissions for law students- Lex Terra [Issue 40], a Webzine by NLUJAA: Submit by Sept 10

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  • The Centre for Environmental Law, Advocacy & Research (CELAR) of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (NLUJAA), is pleased to invite scholastic submissions for Issue 40 onwards for Lex Terra (ISSN: 2455-0965), their monthly online publication (“webzine”).
  • Since its inception, Lex Terra has published 39 issues on various debatable facets of the environment and environment-related analytical items. Several academicians, practitioners, and students have contributed to the webzine.
  • Through Lex Terra, they endeavor to facilitate better and greater ideas to create a community of environmentally conscious individuals from legal and non-legal fraternities.
  • Lex Terra is currently soliciting submissions for “Issue 40” onwards. Issue 40 is scheduled to be published tentatively in September 2022.


  • Lex Terra exclusively accepts manuscripts that revolve around the themes of environmental law and policy research. Manuscripts that are not related to environmental law are summarily rejected.
  • Possible sub-themes include but are not limited to Natural Resource Management Law; Waste Management; Biodiversity Management; Energy Law; Forest Laws; Animal Rights; Agricultural Laws; Climate Change Law and Policy; Global Commons; Sustainable Development; Environment Impact Assessment; Ecological Restoration; Pollution Control; Coastal Regulation; Environmental Ethics; Ecofeminism; Environment, Business and Human Rights; Ecosystem Services; and Environmental Economics.
  • While contributors are permitted to submit articles on the aforementioned themes across any jurisdiction, we especially encourage submissions exploring customary environmental standards and practices pertaining to North-East India. Lex Terra firmly believes that the North-East region of India, being rich in biodiversity and natural resources, requires particular attention from an enviro-legal standpoint.

Submission Rules

  • All manuscripts and author(s) details must be submitted only via the form given at the end of this post.
  • Manuscripts sent via email will not be considered.
  • The word limit, exclusive of footnotes, is as follows:
    • Short Articles: 2000 words,
    • Enviro-legislative analysis: 1000 words,
    • Enviro-legal news & perspectives: 1000 words, and
    • Enviro-judgement analysis: 1000 – 1500 words.
  • Please do not use any personal identification details in the manuscript, such as your name or institutional affiliations, to better facilitate the double-blind peer-review process.
  • Co-authorship among individuals of the same or different institutions is allowed up to two
  • Please ensure that the manuscript submitted to Lex Terra is not simultaneously under consideration at other academic publications.
  • The webzine is committed to publishing pieces of the highest academic quality. Pursuant to this, we have a strict no-plagiarism policy and all manuscripts we receive are put through plagiarism detection software. Any manuscripts found having a similarity index of more than 25% are summarily rejected. Other pieces depend upon context.
  • Only the non-plagiarized manuscripts are sent to the peer reviewers.

Formatting Rules

  • Submissions should exclusively be made in .doc/ .docx format.
  • The authors must follow the Bluebook 20th Edition format for citations.
  • Please adhere to the following text formatting guidelines:
  • All text, including hyperlinks featured in the footnotes of the manuscript, must be in black colour. In addition, hyperlinks to an online citation must be removed. Only the text of the link should be retained.
  • Main title: Times New Roman, Size 14, small capitals, centre aligned, in bold.
  • Headings within the main body: Times New Roman, Size 12, upper case, left aligned, in bold.
  • Subheadings within the main body: Times New Roman, Size 12, title case, left aligned, in italics.
  • We encourage lengthy articles to be divided into headings and subheadings for better structure. However, authors are advised to use only two heading levels.
  • The main body of the text: Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified.
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman font size 10, single line spacing, justified.
  • Abbreviation of a word should only be done at the first instance and should not be repeated later. Please refrain from using terms such as “hereinafter” within the parentheses and do not use periods in these short forms. For example:
  • Writers should not use double quotations unreasonably. Only content used verbatim should be put in quotation marks.
  • Speaking footnotes are strictly prohibited.

Review Procedure

  • All the manuscripts will go through a double-blind peer-review process.
  • The deadline for submissions to be considered for Issue 40 onwards is September 10, 2022.
  • Due to an overwhelming number of manuscripts that we have received so far, Issue 40 onwards of Lex Terra is scheduled to be published tentatively by the end of September 2022.
  • Please note that the peer review process for Issue 40 onwards will commence only post the deadline. Hence, the authors can expect to receive the final decision with regard to the acceptance or rejection of the submitted manuscript in the third week of September 2022.
  • The manuscript will be judged on the following parameters:
    • Use of Language
    • Style and Structure
    • Referencing and Research
    • Relevance and Contribution to Existing Literature
  • Since the Editorial Board is currently preoccupied with 3 upcoming issues of Lex Terra and additional university commitments, no requests to expedite the review process shall be entertained.
  • It is to be noted that in the event we receive an adequate number of submissions for Issue 40, subsequent submissions will be considered for the forthcoming issues of Lex Terra in 2022.
  • The preliminary screening process that involves running articles through the plagiarism test may take up to 21 days. However, the Editorial Board shall endeavour to respond to the authors at the earliest.
  • The Editorial Board shall communicate their decision of acceptance or rejection to the author directly within the stipulated time frame.
  • Contributors are requested to address follow-up emails to the Editorial Board only after 21 days.
  • The authors, while submitting, agree to make any edits, changes, or modifications that the Editorial Board deems necessary for the manuscript’s ultimate publication.
  • If the author’s manuscript is considered for publication, they shall be wholly liable to make any required revisions to their manuscript (whether procedural or substantial) in good faith and are expected to cooperate with the Editorial Board at all times.

Submission Procedure

All manuscripts must be submitted only via the form linked at the end of this post. Manuscripts sent via email will not be considered.

Submission Deadline

September 10, 2022

Relevant Links

For further clarity one may reach out at

Submission Link

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