Call for Blogs for law students by The HNLU Corporate and Commercial Law Society (CCLS) Blog: Rolling Submissions

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  • The HNLU Corporate and Commercial Law Blog is established under the Corporate and Commercial Law Society of HNLU, Raipur. The Society is an independent, student-run body formed by corporate law enthusiasts of HNLU solely intending to promote discourse on contemporary issues in corporate law. 
  • The HNLU CCLS Blog welcomes blog posts in the form of articles, short notes, opinions, and case comments which address issues of a legal nature on laws of banking, insolvency, capital markets, companies, competition, contract, securities, taxation, amongst others.

Submission Rules

  • Co-authorship is permitted subject to a maximum of two authors.
  • The content must be written in Times New Roman in font size 12 for the main body and font size 10 for the endnotes, with a line spacing of 1.5.
  • Please refer to the sources as hyperlinks in the body of the text. In keeping with the informal style of the blog, we ask that you refrain from using footnotes. If a hyperlink cannot be inserted, kindly use endnotes that adhere to the 4th OSCOLA citation format.
  • Although we do not have a strict minimum word policy, we prefer blog posts that are a minimum of 800 words. The maximum word limit is 1,500 words. The word limit is exclusive of endnotes if any.
  • Originality of pieces is valued the most.
  • Although blog posts are expected to be original, the Editorial Board may relax this standard up to an acceptable level. For more details, please go to the Submission Guidelines page.

Submission Procedure

  • All submissions are to be made by filling the google form through the link given at the end of this post.
  • Please do not email your entries directly, unless intimated otherwise.
  • Submission of the draft post must be in the MS-Word format (.doc/.docx).
  • Contributors are requested to share their personal details only on the google form.
  • Any comments that make you recognisable in the draft post may lead to disqualification of the entry without review.

Process of Review

  • The Review Policy includes double-blind peer review, which we undertake to complete within 14 days of submission. Please note that suggestions from the Editors may need to be incorporated by the contributors within 7 days of notification.
  • Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis or if you prefer working with a deadline, on any Saturday.
  • Please note that the Blog discourages posts that merely summarise cases or describe the basic aspects of these inclusive fields and prefer that these posts include critical analysis or explore particular themes of wider resonance.
  • You shall be sent an email acknowledging receipt of the draft post within 48 hours of receiving your entry.
  • If the same is not received, do write to at

Relevant Links and Contacts

Official website

Further Updates

For further clarity one may reach out to the following:

  • Arush Mittal (Editorial Team, HNLU CCLS): 9004361663
  • Mehak Jain (Editorial Team, HNLU CCLS): 6265402975
  • Megha Jain (Editorial Team, HNLU CCLS): 9348418338

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