CfP for law students: Volume 11 Issue 1 of JGRA, Geeta Institute of Law, Haryana: Submit by May 15

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JGRA is a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal that aims to promote most original and scholarly research. It is published by Geeta Institute of Law (GIL) under the aegis of K. R. Education Society, Panipat.


There are no specific themes for writing a paper for JGRA. JGRA invites well- researched, quality contributions on the Contemporary issues in legal field. Moreover, as the journal encourages the multi-disciplinary approach, such submissions will be preferred.

Types of Submissions

JGRA is accepting submissions from the academicians, legal professionals, research scholars and students in the following categories:

  • Long Articles (4000-7000, inclusive of footnotes)

Contributors in this category are intended to extensively engage with a particular legal issue of contemporary relevance while recognizing the lacunae and providing possible suggestions.

  • Essays/Short Articles (3000-5000, inclusive of footnotes)

This category targets at the precise analysis of a legal problem which poses serious reconsideration in present social scenario.

  • Case and Legislative Comments (2500-3000, inclusive of footnotes)

Authors are intended to present a critical approach to the contemporary legal pronouncements and legislative actions.

Submission Guidelines

  • Long and short articles must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words.
  • There can be a maximum of two authors in one submission.
  • All manuscripts must be submitted in English language only.
  • The research paper must be original and unpublished work of the author(s).
  • The manuscript must be drafted in Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified alignment (except the title and ‘abstract’ caption which should be centrally aligned).
  • Citation format: Journal will strictly follow the ILI Rules of Footnoting (available on the website of ILI, New Delhi). The footnotes must be type written in the font Times New Roman, font size 10, line spacing 1.0 and justified alignment.
  • All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  • Any plagiarism shall attract immediate disqualification.

Note: Manuscripts having more than 10% of plagiarism will be out rightly rejected and therefore will not be reviewed.

Formatting Guidelines

  • 1. LEVEL 1 HEADING: All Capitals & Bold
  • 1.1. LEVEL 2 SUB-HEADING: First Letter CAPITAL & BOLD
  • 1.1.1. Level 3 Sub-Sub-Heading: First Letter CAPITAL & BOLD & ITALIC
  • Level 4 Sub-Sub-Sub-Heading: Normal

Procedure of submission

  • All the submissions must be sent in .doc format through electronic mode only by sending an email to editorjgra[at] with the subject of mail as “Submission for Volume 11 (I) of JGRA”.
  • All the contributors are also required to submit a cover letter containing the following information:
    • Name of the author (s)
    • Designation of author (s)
    • Affiliation of the author (s)
    • Contact number
    • Title of the paper
  • The authors are also required to submit a declaration of originality and previously unpublished work. The declaration can be found attached in the official document linked at the end of this post.

Publication Fees

No publication fee is charged by the Journal.

Submission Deadline

The contributors have to submit their research work on or before May 15, 2022.

Relevant Link and Contact

Further Details

In case of any queries regarding JGRA, email at

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