Cfp for law students- Vishwakarma University Law Journal [Vol 2 Issue 1]: Submit by May 15

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In pursuance of this vision, the Department of Law, Vishwakarma University, is calling for full paper submissions from academicians, practitioners, industry experts, and research scholars for Vol. 2, Issue 1 of the law journal.


Submissions of full papers for the law journal are invited from academicians, practitioners, industry experts, and research scholars.


The law journal does not restrict its scope to a particular theme. However, the authors must
ensure that the research paper addresses a contemporary legal or socio-legal issue.

The topic must be of relevance in the present time, and the authors must show originality in their approach in dealing with the issue at hand.

Further Rules

  1. The full paper submissions must be in English
  2. Word Limit: Submissions should be in the following word limits (inclusive of footnotes)
    • Research papers (4,000- 6,000 words)
    • Case Comment (2000-3000 words)
    • Book reviews (1000-2000 words)
  3. Full paper submission must be accompanied by an Abstract of not more than 300 words.
  4. Co-authorship is allowed with a maximum of two authors
  5. Submissions should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified text, and 1-inch margins on all sides.
  6. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman font of size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. Endnotes are not allowed.
  7. The citations shall conform with the ILI Rules of footnoting available here.
  8. The author’s name (s) should not appear on the manuscript to facilitate blind review.
  9. All Submissions are to be made in MS Word format and sent to 
  10. The name, affiliation and designation, mailing address, mobile number, and e-mail address of the author (or corresponding author, if more than one author) must be mentioned in a separate MS-Word document, in the same mail.
  11. All submissions shall go through a plagiarism check. The similarity percentage should be within UGC-approved guidelines.

Relevant Link and Contacts

Further Details

For further clarity one may reach out to

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