The High Court of Delhi invites online applications from eligible candidates for filling up 123 vacancies (55 Existing and 68 Anticipated) in Delhi Judicial Service by holding Delhi Judicial Service Examination in two successive stages:
(i) Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective type with 25% negative marking) for selection for the Mains Examination (Written), and
(ii) Delhi Judicial Service Mains Examination (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva-Voce.
The Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective type) referred to above, will be held on Sunday, March 27, 2022 (11 AM to 1:30 PM).
Application Fee
The fees (non-refundable) in the sum of Rs.1000/- for General Category candidates and Rs. 200/- for reserved category [Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Persons with Disabilities (identified disabilities)] candidates should be paid through Debit Card/Internet Banking.
The scale of the pay of members of the Delhi Judicial Service is Rs. 56100-177500 in the 10th level of matrix of 7th CPC Revised Corresponding Pay Matrix and Pay Level.
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