IGU Journal of Law (Print), Vol. I Issue 1, Deadline:1st Nov, 2016

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IGU Journal of Law (Print) is an academic half Yearly published journal Invites Articles, Case Commentaries for Vol. I Issue 1, December 2016.

DEADLINE: 01st November, 2016.

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

IGU Journal of Law is being published by State University i.e. Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari est. in 2013 by Haryana State Legislature. Invites Articles, Case Commentaries for Vol. I No.1, December 2016


Call for Paper


IGU Journal of Law, (Print)


01st November, 2016


IGU Journal of Law (Print) is an academic half Yearly print/ published journal. Primary purpose of the Journal is to promote a culture of research among the academicians, research scholars and students, provide an important academic forum which helps to promotes legal discussion and awareness in the community. To ensure quality of our publication and to better serve the peers in academic circle we have strong editorial board of legal luminaries. ‘IGU Journal of Law’ accepts academic submissions in the form of articles, notes, case comments and book reviews. The Journal does not restrict itself to any particular area of law and welcomes contributions from all legal branches, as long as the work is relevant, up to date and original.

IGU Journal of Law is being published in December, 2016 under the aegis of “Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari”.


Articles (3000-3500 words, inclusive of footnotes)

Book Reviews (2000-2500 words, inclusive of footnotes)

Case Comments (1500-2000 words, inclusive of footnotes)

*Book Review should specify all relevant information relating to the book reviewed such as the name(s) of the author(s) and editor(s), edition of the book reviewed, year of publication, name of publisher and place of publication.


Format of Submission:

Submissions must be in electronic form only.

All submissions must be MS-Word-processed.

Main text should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.15 line spacing.

The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with line spacing 1.15.


All submissions must contain an abstract of about 250 to 300 words describing the relevant points of discussion attempted in the paper and the relevant conclusions drawn.


The main title should be centered, typed in Times New Roman and emphasized in bold with font size 14.

The sub-titles must be left indented, emphasized in bold with font size 12.

Citation: Bluebook (19th edi.) Citation.

Co-authorship is allowed.

Cover Letter:

The cover letter shall contain the name of the author, institutional affiliation, title and category of the submission.

Submissions should be sent in .doc or .docx format only.

Topics may be as under:

Contributors may send their articles on any topic relating to Law but a few are suggested as under:

Competition Act, First Information Report, Conflict of Laws- Private International Law, Habitual offender- Recidivists, Reservation- It is to be kept as menace or not/ bringing inequality Or any other burning issue related to our day to day life are welcomed.

All manuscripts must be submitted to austereraj@gmail.com

Selected papers will be published in Vol. I Issue 1 in December, 2016 in IGU Journal of Law.


 Email: austereraj@gmail.com

 All manuscripts must be submitted to austereraj@gmail.com


Call Chief Editor- Dr. Raj Kumar Yadav- +91 (0)- 9466602200





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