Call for Blogs for law students by DNLU’S Centre for Research in Competition Law and Policy (CRCLP): Submissions on a Rolling Basis.

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The Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur (DNLU) established the Centre for Research in Competition Law and Policy on February 24, 2020, following the Competition Commission of India’s appointment of DNLU to a panel of reputed institutions with expertise in law, economics, finance, and management for Competitive Assessment of Economic Bills and Legislations.

In order to foster legal dialogue and research in the topic of competition law, the Centre for Research in Competition Law and Policy (CRCLP) has launched a student-run blog, the CRCLP Blog. The blog’s goal is to raise knowledge of current topics in competition law while also encouraging discussion about those concerns. In addition, the blog serves as a venue for delving into areas relevant to competition law that have not previously been thoroughly studied.

Submission Guidelines

  • It is recommended that authors keep their contributions between 800-1500 words in length, however this is not mandatory. Longer posts may be published in portions, at the editorial board’s discretion, if they are too lengthy.
  • Articles dealing with current issues in competition law and policy are encouraged for publication on the blog. You may, on the other hand, analyse an old issue or bring up a topic that has not been thoroughly discussed in other places.
  • It is recommended that authors utilise in-text hyperlinks rather than footnotes in their manuscripts. Sources that cannot be accessed online, on the other hand, may be cited in a footnote. Endnotes are not permitted in our publications.
  • Using Garamond font in size 14, the title of the article should be formatted as follows: Font size 12 in Garamond with 1.5 line spacing should be used for the main body of the document. If there is a footnote, it should be formatted in Garamond, font size 10, with single line spacing between paragraphs.
  • Co-authorship is limited to a total of two authors at the most.
  • The author grants permission for the article to be published on the blog by submitting it.

Submission Instructions

  • If you would like to have your post published on our blog, please send an email to
  • A Microsoft Word document must be used to submit the submission (.docx).
  • When sending an email, the subject line should read “Submission CRCLP Blog: Title of the Manuscript,” and the author should include their full name and affiliation in the body of the email, as well.
  • The CRCLP performs a blind review procedure and retains complete discretion in deciding whether or not to publish the article in its final version.
  • Contributor’s Agreement is a legal agreement between a contributor and a publisher.
  • By submitting an article to the CRCLP blog, the author certifies that the work is original and previously unpublished, and that it is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere in the world.
  • Following publishing, CRCLP acquires ownership of the piece and all copyright associated with it. The Centre cannot be held liable for any responsibility that may arise as a result of the work of the writers or their collaborators.

Relevant Contacts

The following phone number is for Ms. Aditi Richa Tiwary (Student head, CRCLP and Executive Editor): +919424726559

Ms. Tanish Gupta (Associate Editor) can be reached at the following number: +919993236813

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