Call for submissions for law students- NLUJ’s Centre for Insolvency and Bankruptcy Studies: Submissions on a Rolling Basis.

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The Centre for Insolvency and Bankruptcy Studies Blog accepts all types of submissions, including articles, research papers, opinions, case comments, and short notes on any current and relevant development in the field of insolvency and bankruptcy law.

All entries must be unpublished and original. Plagiarism of any kind will result in the submission being disqualified. The correctness of facts, opinions, or viewpoints mentioned in the submitted work is solely the responsibility of the author(s).

Submission Rules

  • Submissions must be no longer than 1500 words, excluding endnotes. In exceptional situations, the word limited is flexible and subject to the Editor’s discretion.
  • The manuscript’s title should be typed in Times New Roman typeface, size 14, all caps, and bold. The manuscript’s main body should be formatted in Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, with a single line space between paragraphs.
  • Word documents (.doc or.docx) are required for submission. The document’s name should be the same as the manuscript’s title.
  • All references must be connected to keywords or phrases in the manuscript using hyperlinks. Endnotes should be used as a reference if no hyperlink is available. Endnotes and footnotes that speak are strictly forbidden. Pieces that are solely descriptive are discouraged.
  • Originality, innovation, structure, analysis, and argumentation will all be considered while evaluating manuscripts. If the paper does not meet these standards, the Editorial Board maintains the right to reject it.
  • Authors should submit their work to In the body of the email, include a brief biographical statement for the author(s) as well as the institution to which they are attached.

Co-authorship of a maximum of two authors is allowed.

Relevant Links and Contacts

Official Website

Further Guidelines

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