Cfp for law students- Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law (IJIPL)- VOL.12- Submit by 20th November

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The NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad’s flagship intellectual property law journal, the Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law (IJIPL), publishes the Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law (IJIPL). IJIPL is India’s first student-run journal dedicated entirely to the study of intellectual property law. It is published annually and is a joint effort of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, and the N.C. Banerjee Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Studies to address current issues in intellectual property law.

The Journal is currently accepting submissions for its 12th Volume, which will be published in July 2022. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, practitioners, faculty, and other academicians are invited to submit essays, articles, notes, and comments to the Journal.

Submission guidelines

  1. Text and citations must conform to the rules in OSCOLA (4th edition). The Journal employs footnotes as the method of citation. Speaking footnotes, though not prohibited, are discouraged.
  2. The text of the submission must be in Times New Roman, size 12 and 1.5 spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 and Single spacing.
  3. All submissions must be accompanied by:-A separate document containing the biographical information of the authors, including the following details: Name, E‐mail address, Postal Address, Name and Address of Institution, Course (if applicable), Academic Year. No reference to the name or the affiliations of the author must be present in the text of the submission and must only be provided in this separate
  4. An abstract of not more than 350 words describing the submission. Please note that there is no requirement of prior submission of the abstract, as papers are selected for publication only on the basis of the full manuscript. The abstract shall serve merely to help the Editorial Board in its review


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