International Journal of Law and Management Studies (IJLMS). Deadline: October 2, 2016

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Call for Papers

International Journal of Law and Management Studies (IJLMS),

(OCTOBER 2016)


For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

International Journal of Law and Management Studies (IJLMS), bearing the ISSN Number 2455-2771, is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal which revolves around the issues relating to the wide spheres of law and management and the close nexus between the two. It is an open-access, online journal for enhancement of research. It aims to provide a highly readable and valuable addition to the literature which will serve as an indispensable reference tool for years to come. The coverage of the journal includes all new theoretical and experimental findings in the fields of law. The journal also encourages the submission of critical review articles covering advances in recent research. IJLMS is indexed in ROAD (ISSN), IIJIF, SIS, Directory of Research Journals Indexing & I2OR Indexing Services.

Main Theme for the Fifth Edition of the Journal

The Editorial Board has decided that the main theme for the Fifth Edition of the Journal shall be the Nature & Growth of Competition Law in India and scope for improvement through a Comparative Analysis of the Competition Law regime in different countries. Competition Law plays an integral role in the growth of an economy and is instrumental in ensuring prevalence of competitive spirit in the business world and the economy as a whole.

The journals’ scope of publication is not limited to the main theme and also includes the following ancillary themes

Ø  Commercial/Business Laws

Ø  Intellectual Property Rights & Competition Laws

Ø  Cyber Laws & Social Media

Ø  Contractual Laws, Sale of Goods & Property Laws

Ø  Constitutional Laws & Interaction with Businesses

Ø  Corporate Social Responsibility

Ø  International Dispute Resolution

Ø  Any area of management where the nexus is established with law.

A submission may fall into any of the following categories

Ø  Articles – 8000 words

Ø  Research Papers – 7000 words

Ø  Case Comments / Case Studies – 6000 words

Last Date for Submission

The final date of submission is October 2, 2016 by 05:00 PM. All entries received after the scheduled time shall not be considered for publication in the said issue. The entries shall be emailed to as per the submission guidelines

Guidelines for Submission

The guidelines for submission are as under

  1. Every paper, article or Case Comment should have an Abstract not exceeding 400 words. The Abstract should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 11 and may have a maximum of five keywords in alphabetical order separated by commas.
  2. The title of the paper should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 14, Bold and Center-Aligned followed by the names of the authors along with their Affiliations in Size 12 as Footnotes.
  3. Every paper must contain Bibliography/List of References at the end of the text of the paper. Authors may Harvard Bluebook, 19th Edition as the method of citation.
  4. Section Headings are to be mentioned in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Bold, Underlined and Sub-Section Headings are to be mentioned in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Underlined.
  5. The text of the paper is to be written in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Regular with Line Spacing at 1.5 lines and the text being justified properly.
  6. A margin of 1 inch (2.54 cm) should be left on all the sides.
  7. Word limit is inclusive of footnotes & references
  8. The intimation about acceptance shall be dispatched vide email after the double-blind peer review process has completed and would take approximately 10-12 days. The decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.
  9. The Last date for seeking an extension shall be three days before the submission.
  10. The Article Processing shall be determined and intimated along with the Letter of Acceptance of the paper.

Format of Submissions

All submissions are to be sent by composing an email to with the subject ‘Paper Submission: Title of Paper” and should contain the following details of the author in another word document

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Name and Designation/Affiliation of Authors
  3. Complete Postal Address (of one author)
  4. Contact Number

For more details, refer to

For any queries, contact

Email Address:            Phone: +91-8087343847





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