Call for Papers by IFIM Law Review (Issue 1) on Business and Human Rights [No Fees]: Submit by Aug 15

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Historically, the Human Rights framework developed on the understanding that States were the only subjects of international law. Traditionally, therefore, much of the Human Rights’ obligations were given to the States. However, with the rapid rise of globalisation, today, many Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) and International Financial Organisations (IFOs) have become bigger players than some of the states. The resources at their disposal, both human and capital, are enormous. Some of these MNCs/IFOs are even capable of influencing policy-making (see Outer Space regime for example).

Therefore, slowly, but surely, the human rights framework is being expanded to include the MNCs/IFOs into its ambit. In 2011, the United Nations adopted the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP-BHR). This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the UNGP-BHR. It is an appropriate time to assess the success and failures of the UNGP-BHR in the last ten years.

In the domestic sphere, however, States have always had the obligation of protecting and upholding human rights. Here, States’ obligations arise from their commitment under international law and under domestic law. In the recent past, the Indian government has had run-ins with social media platforms Facebook and Twitter. Claims of breach of privacy have been made against these social media platforms. It has also been argued that these sites have failed to check the propagation of hate speech, which has resulted in a loss of life in some cases. In the past, human rights defenders were allegedly attacked by MNCs/IFOs in India. When taken to court, some of the MNCs/IFOs try to take the defence of sovereign immunity. A 2018 decision by the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled that IFOs cannot claim absolute immunity (Jam et. al.).

About the Call for Papers

In this background, the IFIM Law Review calls for expressions of interest for a research colloquium. Researchers are encouraged to submit their works in progress that specifically answer some of the following questions or their

  • What has been the impact of the UNGP-BHR in safeguarding human rights?
  • What kind of liability mechanisms have developed since the adoption of the UNGP-BHR?
  • What is the efficacy of the existing liability mechanisms of the heads of the MNCs/IFOs?
  • What has been the response of parliamentary committees as far as human rights’ violations by the MNCs/IFOs are concerned?
  • To what extent can the social-media platforms be held responsible for violation of human rights, under domestic laws of a state?
  • To what extent can the heads of the MNCs/IFOs be held individually liability for violations of human rights?
  • How can the Artificial Intelligence, used by MNCs/IFOs, be brought under the purview of human rights regime?

Who can Submit?

Early career scholars, PhD candidates, post-graduate students and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit an abstract of their works.

How to Submit?

The abstract of the research work should be submitted to by 15th August 2021.

Important Dates

  • Selected abstracts will be notified by 30th August 2021.
  • Draft papers will be due by 30th September 2021.
  • Post the Colloquium, authors will be asked to submit a revised version of their paper to by 30th October 2021.
  • The selected paper will be published in the IFIM Law Review by 15th December 2021.

Contact Information

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