- This major reason behind writing this post is to make sure that all the information as provided by the individuals having affiliations with the relevant organizations and universities are able to get clarity over the whole mechanism
- For the same, this post in a step by Step process details the relevant stages and how they are dealt with so that the website proudly can maintain its stance as a one stop for law students and teachers
- The individual must login the lawof website
- In the Title Section the relevant title must be typed showcasing the objective of the post
- The featured image must contain an image which suits the purpose of the event that is a poster designed by the relevant organization or one from the library of website having relevance with the event. For Example:- An article writing competition can either have an image which the relevant organization provides or one that has logical connection with the event
- The content section holds much importance as the same is the whole body of the event and must feature the following:-
- About the Organisation- A small brief about the relevant organization responsible for the event
- Details about the event- The details are inclusive of the basic information about the event, its structure, Mode of Conducting the same, The Eligibility criteria, The relevant Fees (If any) and most importantly the Brochure of the event and the relevant contact details. Note:- The basic grammatical correctness must be ensured and the text should be made Bold and Underlined wherever required
- The Tag Section must feature the relevant tag that relates to the overall theme of the event. For Example:- Call for papers for law students, Moot court Competition etc.
- The Category section must feature the category to which the event belongs to. For Example:- Call for papers, Moot Court Competition, Articles, Legal Events etc.
- The next step comes in the form of Saving the draft and further amendments if is to be made
Note:- This post has been made because of certain instances involving posting of incomplete information about the event which adds to the inconvenience of everyone, thus this step by Step guide comprehensively guides everyone
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