NLSIU’s Webinar on Legislating Climate Change Law in India [June 18]: Register Now!

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Centre for Environmental Law, Education, Research and Advocacy, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru is organizing a One-Day Consultative Workshop on Legislating Climate Change law in India.

The Objective of the Workshop

The Workshop is aimed at creating a platform for discourse on critical issues and legal provisions towards framing a law on climate protection. With the objective of identifying the varied dimensions of enforcing law on climate change, the Workshop seeks to invite suggestions and comments on the draft framework of the CEERA-NLISU Bill on Climate Protection and deliberate on some of the core principles and ideas pertaining to climate protection.

Intended Outcome

CEERA seeks to propose a Bill that will provide a robust and comprehensive legislative framework for the protection of vulnerable communities from adversities of climate change in India.

Participation is invited from Policy Makers, Regulatory agencies, Academicians, Lawyers, Scientists, Non-Governmental Organizations.

Submission of Abstracts and Paper Presentation

Interested Participants may also submit an Abstract of 500 words for their Paper Presentation on the thematic areas hereinbelow:

  • Climate Change Litigation in India
  • Principles relating to Climate Sustainability
  • Human Rights & Climate Vulnerable Groups
  • National and International Framework on Climate Change India- Paris and NDCs

To Register: Submit Google Form here

The website links are here: | |

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