Call for Papers by International Journal of Comparative Legal Studies [IJCLS] No Fees: Submit by June 30

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The International Journal of Comparative Legal Studies (IJCLS) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal which is formed to provide a platform for academicians to express and contribute towards framing better laws in the dynamic Indian Society. The Journal draws its inspiration from the very nature of human intellect which learns everything by dissection and comparison. A comparison is the only way the intellect can know, so the comparison is the very basis of creating better-suited laws for our society. The journal is aimed at breaking beyond the limitations of logic and creating a legal environment that is favorable for all and in tune with the ultimate vision of the forefathers of the Indian Constitution.

Call for Submission

The International Journal of Comparative Legal Studies (IJCLS) invites original and unpublished manuscripts in different facets of law and allied fields from academicians, practitioners, legal professionals, research scholars, and students.


Authors are free to choose any socio-legal or legal issue of contemporary importance.

General Guidelines

  • Contributions should be in the English language only and in conformity with the IJCLS scheme and style. Text and citations should conform to the rules in The ILI Citation style. This mode of citation must be strictly followed otherwise the paper shall not be considered for publication.
  • Co-authorship is allowed by up to 3 authors.
  • All manuscripts submitted to IJCLS must be original and must not have been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • In the event that a manuscript submitted to IJCLS has been submitted and accepted by any other journal, the author must withdraw their submission from IJCLS. If IJCLS accepts the manuscript first, the author must withdraw it for consideration from all other Journals. Failure to do so will lead to the removal of the piece from consideration for publication in IJCLS.
  • All manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected, the Editorial Board reserves the right of rejection of the same.
  • Authors shall warrant that the paper submitted for publication does not infringe the copyright of any other person, except as agreed otherwise. The copyright of the articles published shall vest with the publisher, viz., International Journal of Comparative Legal Studies. The publisher, however, shall not be liable for any copyright infringement.

Submission Guidelines

  • The IJCLS invites manuscripts under the following categories and the word limit mentioned as under must be strictly adhered to:
    • Short Articles: Between 3,000 to 4,000 words.
    • Long Articles: Between 4,000 to 6,000 words.
  • These word counts are exclusive of footnotes. The Editorial Board reserves the right to increase or relax the word count, depending on the quality of the submission.
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Bookman Old Style, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
  • The footnotes should be in Bookman Old Style, font size 10 with a single line spacing.
  • The Journal employs footnotes as the method of citation, rather than endnotes. The system of citation to be used is The ILI (Indian Law Institute) Citation style.

Submission Procedure

  • All manuscripts must be emailed to with the subject “IJCLS Volume 1 – Submission”.
  • The manuscript should be submitted electronically in doc or docx format. No biographical information or references, including the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), and acknowledgments should be included in the text of the manuscript, the name, or document properties. All such information may be incorporated in the covering letter accompanying the manuscripts.
  • All manuscripts must be accompanied by:
    • A cover letter with the name(s) of the author(s), designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript, and contact information (correspondence address, email id, phone number, etc.).
    • A declaration that the manuscript submitted is a piece of original and bonafide research work and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
    • An abstract of not more than 200 words describing the submission.
  • Authors are required to inform the Editorial Board if they have submitted their manuscript to another law journal and if they have received an offer of publication.


The certificate will be issued after publication along with the publication link.

Registration Details

No registration fees are applicable.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submitting the manuscript is June 30, 2021, 11:59 PM.

Contact Information

E-Mail ID:

Please Note: No fee is being charged at any stage viz. for registration, submission, processing, or publication.

Click here for the official information.

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