Business and Human Rights Global Virtual Internship by Clifford Chance [Law; 5-6 Hours]: Register Now!

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Clifford Chance LLP is a multinational law firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and a member of the ‘Magic Circle’. It is one of the ten largest law firms in the world measured both by the number of lawyers and revenue.

Clifford Chance has launched its global virtual internships that is be open to students across the UK, EMEA, the Americas and APAC. The internships run in partnership with InsideSherpa, an e-learning technology company, and support from the University of York around developing problem-based learning programs.

Who is the Internship for?

For UG law students and graduates

Nature of the Internship

  • Online
  • Duration: 5-6 hours
  • Self-paced


The businesses are, these days, being held to account for their responsibility for conducting business responsibly and upholding human rights.

This internship involves complete tasks focused on human rights risks that our clients may face. The interns will learn how they, as lawyers, can advise clients on how to approach such challenges.


  • Advise a client whether it is required to comply with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (CTSCA)
  • Advise a client on the principles of the European Directive 95/2014 regarding the disclosure of non-financial information
  • Advise your client on the risk of a target in an M&A transaction being associated with human trafficking
  • Determine whether a national court ruling against an information portal amounts to a violation of the above convention

How to Register

  • Click on the ‘Register Now’ button at the end of the page. (Link of the page given at the end of this post)
  • Sign Up with the required information.
  • Get Started with the Internship!

Click here to learn how to use the experience for your CV and LinkedIn.

Click here to register for the virtual internship.

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