Call for Submissions by ‘Musings’, Blog of Department of Law, University of Calcutta [No Fees]: Rolling Submissions

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‘Musings’ is the departmental blog of The Department of Law, the University of Calcutta is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. The blog is handled by the Magazine Committee of the Department, which is composed of students of the Department of Law University of Calcutta.

The committee undertakes several activities throughout the year, from photography and slogan writing competitions to releasing prompts to help tide over the lockdown and publication of a bi-annual college magazine.

About the Blog: Musings

The blog is the latest endeavor of the Magazine Committee, operated and overseen by the Committee Members.

Call for Blogs

To date, the committee has successfully published various editions of our inter-departmental magazines enriched with contributions from both within and outside the department.

This time it is different and a lot more striking than the committee’s earlier ventures, as they aim to chronicle both the artistic and the analytic side of our fraternity.

The blog is open to all and will accept written submissions on a rolling basis.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions should be made to

  • The blog will accept opinion pieces, prose, poems, travelogues, essays, book and film reviews, and articles.
  • Please mention your name, semester, and institutional affiliation in the submission mail.
  • The subject of the mail should be ’Submission for Musings’.
  • The blog is accepting submissions from all. (Including individuals not enrolled as students of Department of Law, University of Calcutta.)

Written submissions

  • Should be submitted in a pdf and an editable word format.
  • Word limit: 2000 words.
  • The blog allows up to two co-authors.
  • The blog will accept submissions in English, Hindi, and Bengali.
  • Citations should be hyperlinked.


All those contributors whose Blogs will be published will get an e-Certificate of Publication.

Note: Sexually explicit, overtly political, and plagiarised submissions will be rejected.

The website of the magazine committee

Contact Information

Any and all queries should be addressed to:


Ahana Bag, Joint Secretary: +91 8240157690

Click here to access the blog.

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