Call for Blogs: IJLPP International Law Blog: No Fees, Rolling Submissions

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Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy (IJLPP) is a non-profit, student reviewed bi-annual, law and public policy publication. The journal is a solemn effort to promote erudite discernment and academic scholarship over the contradictions which have given way for a continuing debate between the relationship of law and public policy.

It seeks to create a platform where there is a flow of ideas and thoughts regarding issues mutually relating to law and public policy.

Abour IJLPP International Law Blog

IJLPP aims to provide a platform to include discussions on contemporary international law issues, international relations, and politics.

IJLPP welcomes rolling submissions from undergraduate and graduate students as well as practitioners, academicians, and experts.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submission must be original and unpublished.
  2. The last date for submission is June 20, 2021.
  3. Authors are advised to keep the submission concise and precise, ideally between 1000 to 1500 words.
  4. Authors are advised to make a brief initial paragraph to summarise the substance of the submission.
  5. Authors must refrain from using footnotes and endnotes, instead, sources must be hyperlinked.
  6. All submissions must be sent in an MS Word document with the title “Blog Submission”.
  7. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed.
  8. The submission will go through an editing process and a blind peer-review process.


  •  International Law in the post-Covid-19 world
  • Individual rights and International Law: friends or foes?
  • International Law meets Domestic Orders, policy and implementation strategies

How to Submit?

To submit an article for consideration, kindly email us at The subject of the mail should clearly mention that the submission is for the ‘International Law Blog’. IJLPP generally take 7-8 days to review a submission, decision to publish may be made subject to revisions.

As a general policy, IJLPP only accepts submissions that are not published elsewhere. Authors may ask the editors for permission to cross-post to another blog if circumstances shall warrant. In such a case acknowledgement of the original publication on the IJLPP blog should be given.

Note: There will be no fees charged at any stage, i.e. registration, submission, processing/publication, or certification.

Contact Information

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