Call for Blogs for law students by Legal Formats Submit by April 15-1st Phase

Posted by is a legal content aggregator aiming to make legal content, including articles and legal formats (forms and precedents) accessible to the legal and non-legal fraternity.

LFI, in its database, has over 500 legal formats and articles written by eminent solicitors and counsels, along with students, in its Articles Section. LFI aims to bridge the information gap between students, professionals, and laypersons alike, where reliable legal content is available to all persons.

Previously, the LFI Blog Editorial Board had invited eminent lawyers from all over the country to contribute to its Articles section on the website. In the present call for submissions students, professionals, and academicians are also extended the invitation to contribute to the blog.

The blog invites submissions on various areas of Civil and Criminal law, through an open theme, along with contemporary International Law areas.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions could be in the form of articles, case analyses, opinion pieces, and short notes. Academic articles on relevant research will also be accepted. See, here.
  • Co-authorship will be restricted to two authors, and the full name, email address, and contact details of both, the authors should be mentioned at the end of the blog.
  • Submissions should range between 1000 to 1500 words, exclusive of footnotes. In the event of continuing submissions/posts, please provide a brief explanation regarding the same in the e-mail body.

Formatting Guidelines

  • The document to be submitted should be an MS Word file.
  • The required font specifications are Garamond, 12 pt., with 1.5 line spacing. All text, barring headings and sub-headings should be justified.
  • All footnotes must follow a consistent citation style and no in-text citations will be permitted. Hyperlinked footnotes would be preferable.
  • Case laws and statutes should be cited at the first instance of usage. Case law should be italicized, and their citations should be mentioned as well.
  • The subject line of the e-mail should be Legal Formats India Manuscript Submission <Title of Manuscript>.

General Guidelines

  • It should be noted that submissions being invited are in the nature of a blog, and hence, the readability of the same should be ensured in a befitting manner.
  • The authors shall be required to submit a signed Declaration certifying the originality of the document, amongst other requirements, upon the shortlisting of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript submitted must be an original and bona fide submission and should not be published on any other platform.
  • All submissions will be checked for plagiarism before commencing the shortlisting process. All final decisions with respect to the submissions and publication rest with the LFI Editorial Board.

Submission Details

  • All submissions, for the first phase of publishing, must be sent to before April 15, 2021. Subsequent submissions might be considered for the next phase of publication.
  • All clarifications should be communicated to the Editorial Board through the above-mentioned email address only.

Contact Information

Email ID:

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