Call for Papers @ M. S. Ramaiah Journal of Law (MSRJL). Deadline:31st July, 2016

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Call for Papers @ M. S. Ramaiah Journal of Law (MSRJL)

About the Journal

The M. S. Ramaiah Journal of Law (MSRJL) is the official journal of M. S. Ramaiah College of Law (affiliated to Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi).

It is an anonymous peer-reviewed journal.

MSRJL provides a platform for researchers of law, academicians, judicial officers, law practitioners and students to impart and share legal knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, articles and case comments/critiques.

The primary aim of the journal is to initiate a healthy exchange of ideas leading to the dissemination of the knowledge of law in the society.

The journal and its publication is a collective effort of the faculty, students and staff of M. S. Ramaiah College of Law.

The journal is currently inviting submissions for Vol. II, Issue II to be published in August, 2016.

Theme for Vol. II Issue II

The theme for the next issue will be “Laws and Policies regulating the energy sector in India”.

The basic objective behind this broad theme is to encourage scholarly work on energy laws and their implementation in India.

The energy and power sector is one that has received a lot of attention from governments all over the world and in recent times has also played a major role in the progress of the Indian economy.

Successive governments in the country have thought about harnessing new and renewable sources of energy which in turn would be useful for both small-scale and large-scale industries.

While tapping of energy sources for overall economic development has been uppermost in the minds of the central and state governments, debates and discussions have been made as to how to balance such activities with sustainable development and protection and conservation of the environment.

The energy versus environment debate has been an intriguing one drawing attention from scholars almost regularly.

In the context of this debate and the importance of various sources of energy for a developing country like India, contributors may focus on the following Sub-Themes:

  1. Environment protection versus power generation in India
  2. Impact of the energy sector on economic development in India
  3. Legal regime regulating the energy sector in India
  4. PSUs in the energy sector and corresponding policies of regulation
  5. Energy in the five year plans
  6. Implementation of India’s foreign policy in the energy sector
  7. Laws regulating offences in the energy sector
  8. Legal regime governing foreign investment in the energy sector
  9. Decentralization in power generation

Submission Guidelines

  1. Contributors shall submit an abstract of not more than 300 words focusing on any of the sub-themes specified above or any additional sub-theme related to the main theme of the journal.
  2. All authors are requested to send a separate attachment in MS Word along with the abstract. The attachment should contain the following details: Name, Title of the paper, Sub-theme, Address, Affiliating Institution, Email and Contact Numbers.
  3. Abstracts will be reviewed and authors of selected abstracts will be notified about selection. Contributions can be made on a co-authorship basis by a maximum of two authors.
  4. Only contributors whose abstracts are selected will be invited to submit the final paper.
  5. Contributions for the next issue may be made under any one of the following categories:
  6. a) Long Articles/Research Papers: 10,000-12,000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
  7. b) Short Articles: 6000-8000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
  8. c) Case Comments/Critique of recent judgments: 2000-4000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
  9. All contributions should follow the Style Guidelines mentioned below:
  10. a) Main text: 12 point, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margin space on both sides and justified.
  11. b) Footnotes: 10 point, Times New Roman, single line spacing and justified.
  12. c) Citation: The Harvard Bluebook (19th Edition).
  13. d) Charts/Tables: These should be made a part of the main text itself.
  14. All queries, clarifications as well as contributions for the next issue should be sent to the editorial board and the managing editor at:

 Additional Style Guidelines

  1. Main Heading of Submission: 16 pt, Times New Roman, Bold. Italics, Underlined
  2. Internal Sub-headings: 14 pt, Bold, Underlined
  3. Name of the author underneath the title of the submission in italics, 14 point, Times New Roman. Name and other details of the author should not appear anywhere else in the paper.
  4. Quotations from primary sources: In italics, within inverted commas and duly acknowledged in the footnotes
  5. Page numbering in the middle of the page
  6. No borders and headnotes.
  7. Name of the author underneath the title of the submission in italics, 14 point, Times New Roman.

Review Policy

  1. Final papers along with an abstract of about 300 words will be invited from potential contributors.
  1. Contributors may belong to diverse backgrounds such as lawyers, judges, law students, academicians and law teachers, doctoral and post-doctoral scholars, policy-makers and legislators and other such similar legal professionals.
  1. The final papers will be reviewed by our editorial board and the best ones will get selected for the journal.
  1. All papers will go through a double blind peer-review process with reviews conducted by the in-house editorial board as well as a senior advisory editorial board
  1. Authors will be informed about the selection and inclusion of their final papers in the journal.
  1. Please note that the journal emphasizes on quality and therefore may not accept final papers in high quantity.

 Important dates

Deadline for submission of final paper: 31st July, 2016

Deadline for communication of selection of final paper for publication after second round of review: 15th September, 2016

Please direct all queries and submissions to the Managing Editor who can be reached on


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