Internship Experience @ People’s Union for Civil Liberty, Jaipur. Gunjan Munjal

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Internship Experience @ People’s Union for Civil Liberty, Jaipur. Gunjan Munjal

Name of the Student:

Gunjan Munjal

Year of Study:

1st year

College Name:

Faculty of law, ICFAI university Dehradun

Organization Name, City:

PUCL, jaipur

Organization Website :

About Organization:

PUCL (people’s union for civil liberty) is an organization who stands for the violation of human rights. It was formed by Mr.JP Narayan in 1976.It was formed with the intention that it will be free from political ideologies. Talking about the present scenario PUCL has its own terms and conditions and they are fighting for human rights.

Duration of the Internship:

10 May 2016-09 May 2016


9.30 am-7.30 pm(approx.)

Main Task Work Profile:

Going on surveys, attending meetings n conferences n gaining knowledge about various human rights and its violation and court visits.

Work Environment at office:

PUCL gives a healthy environment. Although a very busy and tiresome schedule is being given but with safe and working environment conditions are given.


No stipend

First day at organization:

a short introduction was taken by head Miss kavita shrivastva. After that whole one month internship program was discussed.

Best Part of Internship:

Meeting with real suffering of peoples. How they are being violated in a society through door to door surveys part.

Biggest Lesson:

Internship is all about the real life experience that one should get to know about the real sufferings of peoples and how they are facing problems. If we sum up a real life is shown to us.

Anything else you’d like to tell: 

Law is a mixture of practical n theoretical aspects of society. Law is made for the society and one cannot get the real stories of society until and unless being a part of those stories and internship is a helpful step we can take to be part of it. Moreover this experience will make you more energetic, hardworking and patient because it sitting on dharnas,going for door to door surveys is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Any Message to other Law Students:

Being a law student one should really go through this experience as it will not only show you the real world but also the suffering of peoples and how law should be made and amended keeping in minds the right of society which is being violated.

From LawOF:

Dear Gunjan Munjal

Best of Luck for the Future.



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