Call for Papers: Journal of Law and Economics [GJLE, Volume 3] by Gujarat National Law University: Submit by June 3

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Call for Papers:

Journal of Law and Economics [GJLE, Volume 3]


Gujarat National Law University:

Submit by June 3

Call for Papers for Law Students,  legal professionals and academicians

About the Journal

The flagship journal of the Centre for Law and Economics- Gujarat National Law University, “GNLU Journal of Law and Economics” was established in 2018 (ISSN: 2582-2667), owing to the emergent need for broadening the platform for academicians, professionals, research scholars to share and disseminate both knowledge and scholarship of new and innovative ideas in Law and Economics discipline.

GJLE is a student-edited, blind peer-reviewed, annual law journal which aims at providing a platform for an inter-disciplinary approach towards the study of law from an economic perspective.

 Call for Paper

The GNLU Centre for Law and Economics (CLE) of the Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar is proud to announce the Call for Papers for the third volume of the GNLU Journal of Law and Economics (GJLE).

Submission Guidelines

  • GJLE is open for academicians, practitioners, research scholars and students.
  • Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of 2 authors. However, co-authorship is not allowed in case of Case Comment, Legislative Comment and Book Review.
  • All submissions must contain an abstract (not more than 500 words) and at most 5 keywords. The manuscript should begin with a Cover Letter which must include the following details:
  • Name of Author(s)
  • Contact Details: Address and Mobile No.
  • Name and Address of Institution
  • Academic Qualifications/Affiliations

Please note that the journal follows the theme of Law and Economics exclusively.

LawOF Provides information about Call for Papers for Law Students


  1. Articles (6000-8000 words, excluding footnotes).
  2. Essays (3500-6000 words, excluding footnotes).
  3. Book Reviews/Case Commentaries/Short Notes (1500-3500 words, excluding footnotes).

Kindly adhere to word limit prescribed.

Formatting and Citation Style

  • Submissions must be made in Microsoft Office (doc./docx.) formats only. Plagiarism of any sort will result in immediate disqualification.
  • The paper should be free from all grammatical and spelling errors.
  • The body of the manuscript must be in the font “Garamond”, font size 12, line spacing 1.5 and alignment “justify”.
  • All footnotes must be in Font “Times New Roman”, font size 10, line spacing 1. All submissions must follow the “The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition)”. Non-conformity could be a ground for rejection.

Submission Procedure

  • All submissions must be made to with the subject “Manuscript Submission for Volume II.”
  • The deadline for making submissions is 2nd June 2020.
  • All papers must necessarily be accompanied with a ‘Conclusion’ putting forth the authors’ views and opinions on the subject matter.
  • Authors can expect to receive decisions on their submissions within two months of their submissions.
  • Please note that the procedure for reviewing manuscripts is based on the anonymity of the author and the confidentiality of the editors’ and reviewers’ reports is maintained at all stages.
  • Author anonymity is preserved during the editorial decision-making process as well.

Contact Info

  • Prof. (Dr.) Ranita Nagar: Editor-in-Chief

E-mail: and

  • Mr. Vishesh Sharma: Managing Editor


  • Mr. Raghav Kohli: Managing Editor


For website link, click here

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