Online Internship & Summer School 2020 @ Niti Manthan: Apply by April 20

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Online Internship & Summer School 2020

@ Niti Manthan:

Apply by April 20

About the organisation

Niti Manthan is an initiative to motivate and inspire young students on various socio-legal themes and to guide them to traverse the righteous path throughout the endeavour of their personal and professional lives. By having a direct interaction and by exchange of views with experienced legal minds and researching, conceptualizing and correspondingly reporting according to the selected avenue given below. Niti Manthan currently functions in the areas of legal blogs, internships, e-classes, Research centres, certificate courses and lecture series.

About the Summer School & online internships

After a successful venture last year, where Niti Manthan had 225 students from 26 law schools across India; and we undertook 11 research projects in the fields of the intersection of law and other facets of society including politics, sociology, policy, psychology and philosophy, in 2020, we were looking forward to having a residential summer school in the month of June.

Amidst this pandemic and lockdown, the plan seems difficult to execute. Nevertheless, the learning process shall continue, it has been decided that only the ‘residential’ criteria would undergo a change; the research projects and sessions would remain the same.

Niti Manthan Summer School and Online Internship Program, 2020 has been designed into 2 phases.

The first phase (Phase-I) of the Internship programme will commence from 22nd April’2020 and will entirely be a work-from-home i.e. online internship. The projects shall be allocated to the student based on her/his choice and the interview scores. Project leads would be reviewing the progress on a daily basis through video conferencing. This phase would mostly involve doctrinal research and shall continue till 22nd May 2020.

The second phase (Phase-II) of the program would commence after the completion of the end-sem exams of the law schools or by the last week of July 2020, whichever is earlier. This phase, primarily, would be based in Delhi, and would involve doctrinal and empirical study, psycho-legal activities, lecture series and workshops. Those of the students who wish to continue e-internship in the 2nd phase may be permitted to do so, after consultation with the project leads.

Students would be free to intern in either or both the phases. This shall be a non-paid research experience, with an aim to facilitate students with quality access and research skills. The project leads, who are mostly practising advocates, psychologists and scholars have engaged themselves for the project on a pro-bono basis.


The research projects to be undertaken during the Niti Manthan Summer School and Online Internship Program, 2020 would be under the following heads:

1. Psychology and Mental Health of Legal Professionals: Understanding the secondary and vicarious trauma which is experienced by the legal professionals. The mode of study would be doctrinal in the initial phase, and would subsequently involve a series of interviews and workshops with the professionals. This understanding can be translated into something more tangible in terms of usage in practice. (Note: A student has to go through a separate interview by a practising psychologist before being part of this project).

2. Prison Reforms: This Project will focus on rights of the arrested person, both during the police custody period i.e. in the police stations, and during the judicial custody period i.e. in Jails. The area of focus would be centred on the psychological impact of punishments and varied penal laws on prisoners and study the scope of the reformation of first-time offenders. The empirical part of the project would primarily be in the cities of Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata.

3. IT laws, e-fraud and Cyber-Crimes (case study on personal sharing leak): This project would be focused on familiarisation of the Cyber-Crimes and identification of the investigation procedure pertaining to cyber-crimes. The project’s main focus would be on preparing a case study on personal sharing leaks over the internet and how the authorities tackle the same.

4. Medico-legal aid and curative sciences with legal intersection: A dedicated research on the legal issues that crop out of medical functionaries; determining parameters of medical negligence, statutory compliance in the areas including Surrogacy and Abortion, Medico-legal reports, Post-mortem reports, Forensic sciences and filling the lacunae in the medico-legal fora.

5. Media, Technology and democracy: The project would focus on the effect media and technology has on the democracy of a nation and studying how media trials are influencing the judiciary along with the decision making minds of the legislative to the extent of influencing minds of voters at the time of elections.

6. Legal literacy project: When a person hears the word “legal education”, a picture of a lawyer/law student/court is framed in his mind. Legal awareness or legal education tells you about your prescribed rights and duties. It empowers you to demand justice and effective remedies. This project comprises various activities intended to build public awareness in different sectors. It will be divided into doctrinal research during the first phase, and empirical work, including sessions with schools and other organizations from the second phase onwards.

7. Body offences: The project, in this internship phase, will aim to look for the blond spot of Rape Laws in India, specifically Exception II of Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Marital rape. The work profile of the project will be to know the reason behind not criminalizing or making a ground for divorce, what will be the socio-legal impact of doing it. This project will have both, doctrinal as well as empirical work.

8. Housing infrastructure: Understanding the disparities and struggles of the sector that is dependent on housing provided by the government in the light of prevailing legislation in India.

9. Infra accessibility for the Persons with Disability: To analyse the ground reality of the differently-abled in terms of employment, equal opportunities, infrastructure and social inclusion and acceptance in society.


A regular student of law, psychology, sociology, political science, medicine or IT is eligible to apply. The learning affinity and a spirit for constructive research is a sine-qua-non.

How to apply

To apply online for this internship, Click here 

The deadline to apply is 20th April 2020.

The shortlisted candidates would receive a call for interviews.

Contact Info

Please feel free to write   at, in case of any query.

WhatsApp only:

  • Architi Batra: 9643720882
  • Madhav Gawri: 8700568976
  • Anshu Sharma: 9953497466

For the official website, Click here 

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