Certificate Course on Consumer Law @ NLU, Delhi [March 26-30]: Registrations Open

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Certificate Course on Consumer Law

@ NLU, Delhi [March 26-30]:

Registrations Open

About NLU Delhi

National Law University, Delhi is a law university in India, offering courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

About the Course

NLU Delhi is organising a 5 days Certificate Course on Consumer Law.

The Certificate Course is aimed at building capacities of the participants by offering them a sound theoretical grounding of consumer law as well as exposing them to the actual application of the law before Consumer Fora. This would bring coherence and synergy between pedagogy and practice.

Topics of contemporary relevance such as e-commerce would also be deliberated and discussed. Exercise Sessions pertaining to different aspects of the course are expected to further hone the skills of the participants.

March: March 26-30, 2020


Faculty Members, Research Scholars, Advocates, LL.M Students, LL.B Students, Activists

Registration Details

Rs. 5,000: If accommodation is not required

Rs. 8,000: If accommodation is required (including breakfast and dinner)

Application Process

To apply for the programme, please make the payment here 

and fill the form available here.

Note: Limited Seats. Registration on “first come first served” basis.

Contact Info

Course Co-ordinator: Dr. Sushila: Assistant-Professor (Law), National Law University Delhi

E-mail: csclp@nludelhi.ac.in

Student Volunteers

  • Vishal: (Mob.: 8447245627)
  • Abhishek Jain: (Mob.: 8076218908)
  • Devesh: (Mob.: 9680335188)
  • Mohit: (Mob.: 9968955673)

For full details, click here.

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