National Seminar on Emerging issues in Law & Justice in the perspectives of globalisation @ RMLNLU, Lucknow. [28 – 29 March, 2020]: Submit by March 5.

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National Seminar


Emerging issues in Law & Justice in the perspectives of globalisation

@ RMLNLU, Lucknow.

[28 – 29 March, 2020]:

Submit by March 5.

About the University

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University (RMLNLU) is a Public law institute located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. As one of the Autonomous law schools in India, it is regarded as a premier law school in country. Dr. RMLNLU was established in the year 2005, and since then, has been providing undergraduate and post-graduate legal education. It has been ranked among the top law institutes in India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework of the Ministry of Human Resource Development in recent years. The University is fully funded by the state government. The University has a fully urban campus and a good infrastructure.

About the Seminar

The aim of this seminar is to analyze these changing dimensions of justice and law and to brainstorm through various research papers and academic discourses as to how these narratives can be given right direction so that justice- political, economic and social can be ensured and the idea of Inclusive Growth, Development and Justice may be actualized in this era of globalization.

University invites well researched and authentic research papers, case analysis, articles by Academicians, Policy makers, Journalist, Lawyers, Bureaucrats, Research scholars and Students. Research papers shall be subject to the approval of Editorial Board for inclusion in the seminar.

The Seminar calls for papers under following sub themes, however the list is only indicative and not exhaustive. Any other topic related to the Seminar theme may also be submitted.

Sub Themes

  • Challenges created by Globalization and issues of economic, political and social justice.
  • Conceptualization of Justice by political, social and economic thinkers.
  • Administration of Justice and access to justice.
  • Changing perspectives of human rights in the light of globalized world.
  • Multilateral agreements and its impact on domestic legal frameworks.
  • Labor market and movement towards increased flexibility in labor laws.
  • Increasing internationalization of IPR laws and threats to indigenous intellectual property of nations.
  • Deprivation, inequality and issues related to economic opportunities
  • Democracy and political opportunities to masses; free and fair elections.
  • Conflicting issues of Growth vs Sustainable Development; national and international perspectives.
  • Reservation Policy and its rationale in the liberalized world.
  • Gender issues and ideas of justice as envisaged in the constitution; issues of safety of women and marginalized sections and our current legal system.
  • Rights of Minorities and laws pertaining to it.
  • Citizenship laws and the rights of refugees.
  • Mental health and the rights of mentally ill patients.
  • Psychodynamics of crime and perspectives on criminal laws.
  • Corporate Governance and the interests of shareholders, consumers and workers.
  • Competition Law and other Government regulations related to unfair and restrictive trade practices.
  • IPR, Farmer’s Rights and Agrarian Laws in India.
  • Bilateral Economic and Political treaties and their effects on domestic policies.
  • WTO and issues of level playing field between developed and underdeveloped nations.
  • International Institutions and their encroachments to indigenous policy mechanisms.
  • Comparative analysis of international law in matters related to human rights, cross border business, environment labor and other global concerns.
  • Cross border terrorism and international law.
  • Right to education and compulsory
  • Issues, problems and laws concerning LGBTQ persons in India.
  • Constitutional protection and legislative safeguards for child rights.
  • Internationalization of legal education.

Submission guidelines

  1. All submissions have to be in English.
  2. The abstract should not be of more than 300 words. It shall contain- a brief profile of the author including e-mail ID, contact number and official address.
  3. Word limit for full Research Paper- 4000-6000 words (inclusive of all citation and references).
  4. Submissions must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing.
  5. There can be maximum of only one Co-author. All the co-authors need to get registered for the seminar.
  6. Potential contributors are required to adhere to a uniform mode of citation (20th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation or ILI Citation is recommended).
  7. The authors should also send a declaration along with the abstract & final paper that their work is original and unpublished and that it does not infringe the copyright laws. The organising committee is not responsible for any copyright infringements by the authors.
  8. Participants who intend to present their research papers in the seminar are required to submit the Abstract on or before 15th February, 2020 through e-mail to
  9. Full papers need to be submitted by 5th March, 2020.
  10. The accepted full research papers may be published in the form of an edited book.


The registration fee which includes registration kit, lunch and tea is as follows:

  1. For students- Rs1000/-
  2. For academia and professionals – Rs.2000/-
  3. RMLNLU faculty & students- No fee
  4. Registration for the seminar has to be done through the following link, click here.
  5. Payment Guide:
  6. Proceed to the following link, click link.
  7. Select registration fee.
  8. Select Seminar/Workshop in the event tab and fill the required details.
  9. Proceed with payment and after successful payment, kindly upload the receipt in the registration form
  10. Accommodation shall be provided as per availability on payment basis.

Contact Details-

For any further clarification mail us at

For official Brochure, Click here.

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