International Conference on Social Work, Law & Human Rights @ GNLU, Gandhinagar [Feb 1-2, 2020]: Submit by Dec 8

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International Conference on Social Work, Law & Human Rights

@ GNLU, Gandhinagar [Feb 1-2, 2020]:

Submit by Dec 8

About the Organizer

Gujarat National Law University is a National Law University established under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003 in the state of Gujarat. The university is located at Gandhinagar, which is the capital of Gujarat and is located 23 kilometres north of the city of Ahmedabad.

About the Conference

Centre for Law & Society, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is organising International Conference on Social Work, Law & Human Rights

Dates: 1st and 2nd February 2020


  • Develop an interdisciplinary perspective in understanding social work practice with legal issues, including human rights;
  • Promote a proactive approach to the ways in which professional social workers can use the law to enhance the living conditions of their clients;
  • Explore multilevel practice techniques and strategies to apply to diverse populations and practice settings;
  • Share knowledge with other professionals regarding on-field and policy issues relevant to multiple fields of practice.

Conference Theme

Social Work, Law and Human Rights


  1. Law and Rural Development
  2. Law and Human Development
  3. Gandhian Concept of Social Justice and Welfare
  4. Social Workers and the Criminal Justice System
  5. Role of Socio-Legal Workers in realizing SDGs
  6. Social Welfare Entitlements and the Role of Law
  7. Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Development
  8. Diversity, Exclusion and Gaps in Social Policies
  9. Human Trafficking and Migration
  10. Disability, Mental health and Legal Issues

The above list is indicative. Papers on any other sub-theme consistent with the main theme may also be considered by the conference secretariat.

Who Should Participate

Academicians, Social Workers, Social Activists, Lawyers, Students, Research Scholars, Personnel from Corporates, Professionals, etc. from various fields of social work and/or law, allied subjects and multi-disciplinary fields.

Submission Guidelines

The full paper shall be submitted to the Conference Coordinator via email to

Important Dates

  • The date for submission of abstracts: 8th December 2019
  • Intimation of Acceptance: 15th December 2019
  • Last Date for Registration: 22nd December 2019
  • Last Date for Full Paper submission: 19th January 2020
  • Dates of Conference: 1st-2nd February 2020

Registration and Fee Details

Category Registration (2019)
Single Author Co-authorised
GNLU Participants 500 1000
Non-GNLU Participants 1200 2500

Fees for those who wish to only attend the conference: Rs. 1200/-

Foreign Participants: $120. (Foreign participants may virtually present their paper in the conference).

Contact Info

Ms. Shivani Jadhav


For the brochure, click here.

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