Call for Blogs: RGNUL Student Research Review Blog Series by RGNUL,Patiala: Submit by Oct 30

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Call for Blogs: RGNUL Student Research Review Blog Series by RGNUL,Patiala: Submit by Oct 30

About RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR)

RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR) is a bi-annual, student-run, blind peer-reviewed legal journal based at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. We have been publishing the academic journal in association with the Eastern Book Company since 2014. The RSRR Blog was established in 2017 as a medium of voicing opinions and sparking discussions.

The Editorial Board invites submissions for the RSRR Blog Series on “DEFERRING THE ENVIRONMENTAL EXIGENCY: A REBELLION TO BEGIN?”

In the past few years, the world has begun to rapidly pace towards its doomsday. It is to address this need of the hour that 18 countries until today have declared a climate emergency, latest to join the suit being Scotland and Ireland. While the environmental urgency has been debated at several international stages in the last two decades, the ground-breaking solution still has not been found.

In light of the current plight faced by our country and the globe, RSRR calls upon the members of the legal community to revisit the environmental policies enacted by the Government of India and local state laws to bridge the loopholes address the emergency through state laws and policies. The focus of the discourse is to highlight the problems with the implementation of such environmental laws and envisage possible solutions.

This Blog Series aims to foster discussion and legal solution to the environmental crisis our country faces today. Furthermore, the authors are urged to highlight such environmental issues which have not been in public foray but require attention.


Plastic bans in states: a failed policy?

Union Government Policies regarding Environment (The list is not exhaustive)

  • Electric Vehicle Policy: well-planned policy or a hasty beginning?
  • India Cooling Action Plan, 2019
  • National Action Plan on Climate Change, 2008
  • National Environment Policy, 2006

State Government’s policies regarding Environment (The list is not exhaustive)

  • State action plan on climate change
  • State water policies
  • State wetlands conservation policies
  • State forest policies

Analysis of Union Budget 2019 vis-a-vis environment.

Legal analysis of local state-specific environmental issues and state laws.

Analysis of regulatory bodies and their interplay for disaster management.

Need to overhaul waste management regulation in India.

A suitable mechanism for states to eliminate rampant flouting of environmental laws.

Note: The submissions are, however, not restricted to the aforesaid sub-themes, provided they fall within the ambit of the main theme and pertain to the current environmental scenario of India.

Submission Details

  • The manuscripts must be e-mailed to submissionsrslr[at]
  • The subject of the e-mail should be titled “Submission for RSRR Blog Series: Environmental Law”.
  • Entries that will be selected after the review stages shall be published on the RSRR Blog Series.
  • E-certificates will be awarded to the authors of each published blog.
  • Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 is permitted.


The last date of submission is 30th October 2019.

Contact Info

In the case of any query, contact at


Aryan Babele (9926041054)

Shrey Nautiyal (7988767598)

The website link is here.

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